Apache Articles in Historical Journals Compiled by Randy Vance Contact Information: Reference Department, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library Telephone: (806) 742-9070 Email:
American Indian Culture and Research Journal
(E75 A5124)
Ellis, Clyde. “A
Remedy for Barbarism: Indian Schools, the Civilizing Programs, and the
Kiowa-Comanche-Apache reservation, 1871-1915.” Vol. 18 No. 3 1994.
(Kiowa/Comanche/Apache/U.S. Gov)
Greenfeld, Philip
J. “Escape from Albuquerque: An Apache Memorate.” Vol. 25 No. 3 2001.
Grytz, Gerhard.
“Culture in the Making: The Yavapé of Central Arizona, 1860-1935.” Vol. 24
No. 3 2000. (Yavapé/Apache)
Webster, Anthony K.
“Sam Kenoi’s Coyote Stories: Poetic and Rhetoric in Some Chiricahua Apache
Narratives.” Vol. 23 No. 1 1999. (Apache)
Welch, John R.,
Riley, Ramon & Nixon, Michael V. “Discretionary Desecration: Dzil Nchaa Si
An (Mount Graham) and Federal Agency Decisions Affecting American Indian
Sacred Sites.” Vol. 33 No. 4 2009. (Apache/AZ Ind)
Arizona and the West
/ Journal of
the Southwest
(F806 A69)
Ball, Eve. “The
Apache Scouts: The Apache Scouts: A Chiricahua Appraisal.” Vol. 7 No. 4
Winter 1965. (Apache/US Mil/Scouts)
Bell, William
Gardner. “Dedication to John Gregory Bourke.” Vol. 13 No. 4 Winter 1971.
(Anthropology/US Mil/We have several reels of microfilm of his writings.)
Clark, La Verne
Harrell. “Early Horse Trappings of the Navajo and Apache Indians.” Vol. 5
No. 3 Autumn 1963. (Apache/Navajo)
Dorr, L. L., M. D.,
edited by Marian E. Valputic and Harold H. Longfellow. “The Fight at
Chiricahua Pass in 1869: As Described by L. L. Dorr, M. D.” Vol. 13 No. 4
Winter 1971. (Apache/US Mil)
Harte, John Bret.
“Conflict at San Carlos: The Military, Civilian Struggle for Control,
1882-1885.” Vol. 15 No. 1 Spring 1973. (US Mil/Gov Agents/ Apaches)
Hastings, James R.
“The Tragedy at Camp Grant 1871.” Vol. 1 No. 2 Summer 1959. (Apaches/US Mil)
King, James T.
“George Crook: Indian Fighter and Humanitarian.” Vol. 9 No. 4 Winter 1967.
(US Mil/Ind)
Martin, Douglas D.
editor and annotator. “An Apache’s Epitaph: The Last Legal Hanging in
Arizona–1936.” Vol. 5 No. 4 Winter 1963. (Apache/AZ)
Mechren, Lawrence
L., editor. “Scouting for Mescaleros: The Price Campaign of 1873.” Vol. 10
No. 2 Summer 1968. (Apache/US Mil/ Price)
Moorhead, Max L.
“The Spanish Deportation of Hostile Apaches: The Policy and the Practice.”
Vol. 17 No. 3 Autumn 1975. (Apache/Spanish)
Nalty, Bernard C.
and Truman R. Strobridge. “Captain Emmet Crawford, Commander of Apache
Scouts, 1882-1886.” Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring 1964. (Apache/US Mil)
Park, Joseph F.
“The Apaches in Mexican-American Relations, 1848-1861.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Summer
1961. (Apache/Mex/US)
_____. “Spanish
Indian Policy in Northern Mexico, 1765-1810.” Vol. 4 No. 4 Winter 1962.
(Span/Ind/Comanche/Lipan/TX-AZ-NM Indians)
Pope, Captain John
edited and annotated by Robert M. Utley. “Captain John Pope’s Plan of 1853
for the Defense of New Mexico.” Vol. 5 No. 2 Summer 1963. (Plan not adopted)
(US Mil/ Apache/Comanche/Navajo/Ute/Ind)
Sacks, Benjamin H.
editor. “New Evidence on the Bascom Affair.” Vol. 4 No. 3 Autumn 1962.
(Apache/US Mil)
Smith, Ralph A.
“The Scalp Hunter in the Borderlands, 1835-1850.” Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring 1964.
Spicer, Edward H.
“Dedication to Grenville Goodwin.” Vol. 3 No. 3 Autumn 1961.
Stevens, Robert C.
“The Apache Menace in Sonora, 1831-1849.” Vol. 6 No. 3 Autumn 1964. (Apache/Mex)
Strickland, Rex W.
“The Birth and Death of a Legend: The Johnson ‘Massacre’ of 1837.” Vol. 18
No. 3 Autumn 1976. (Apache/Scalp Hunters)
Tate, Michael L.
“Soldiers of the Line: Apache Companies in the U.S. Army, 1891-1897.” Vol.
16 No. 4 Winter. (US Mil)
Thompson, Gerald E.,
editor “’To the People of New Mexico:’ General Carleton Defends the Bosque
Redondo.” Vol. 14 No. 4 Winter 1972. (Navajo/Mescalero/US Gov)
Underhill, Lonnie
E., editor. “Dr. Edward Palmer’s Experiences with the Arizona Volunteers,
1865-1866.” Vol. 26 No. 1 Spring 1984. (Apache/Pima/Maricopa/Mexican/US Mil)
Utley, Robert M.
“The Bascom Affair: A Reconstruction.” Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 1961. (Apache/US
Woody, Clara T.
“The Woolsey Expedition of 1864.” Vol. 4 No. 2 Summer 1962. (Apache/White)
Chronicles of Oklahoma
(F691 C55)
Haes, Brenda L.
“Fort Sill, the Chiracahua Apaches and the Government’s Promise of Permanent
Residence.” Vol. 78 No. 1 2000 Pp. 44-65. (Apache)
Johze, Benedict
“The Fort Sill Apache.” Vol. 39 No. 4 Pp. 427- 432. (Apache)
Schoenberger, Dale
T. “Lieutenant George N. Bascom at Apache Pass, 1861.” Vol. 51 No. 1 1973 Pp.
84- 91.(Apache/Mil)
Turcheneske, John
Anthony Jr. “The United States Congress and the Release of the Apache
Prisoners of War at Fort Sill.” Vol. 54 No. 2 1976 Pp. 199-226. (Gov/ Apache)
(E51 E8)
Kessel, William B.
“The Battle of Cibecue and Its Aftermath: A White Mountain Apache’s
Account.” Vol. 21 No. 2 Spring 1974. (Apache)
Great Plains Journal
(F591 G76)
Chapman, Berlin B.
“The Day in Court for the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Tribes.” Fall 1962.
Ellis, Richard N.
“Copper-Skinned Soldiers: The Apache Scouts.” Spring 1966. (Apache)
Sánchez, Lynda A.
“Lupe and the Lost Apaches of the Sierra Madre.” Vols. 26-27 1987-88.
Smith, Ralph A.
“Scalp Hunting: A Mexican Experiment in Warfare.” Vol. 23 1984. (Scalp
_____.“The Bounty
wars of the West and Mexico.” Vols. 28-29 1989-90. (Bounty/Scalp)
The Life of James Kirker, 1793-1852.” Vols. 36-37 1997-98. (Scalp Hunters)
Taylor, Morris F.
“Some Aspects of Historical Indian Occupation of Southeastern Colorado.”
Fall 1964. (Comanche/Ute/Apache/Plains tribes)
Weddle, Robert S.
“The San Saba’s Mission: Approach to the Great Plains.” Spring 1965.
The Journal of Arizona History
(F806 A782)
Amerman, Stephen
Kent. “This is Our Land: The White Mountain Apache Trophy Elk Hunt and
Tribal Sovereignty.” Vol. 43 No. 2 Summer 2002. (Apache)
Ball, Larry D. “Tom
Horn and the ‘Talking Boy’ Controversy.” Vol. 45 No. 4 Winter 2004.
(Apache/Scouts/US Mil)
_____. “‘That
Miserable Book’: Life of Tom Horn, Government Scout and Interpreter.” Vol.
48 No. 4 Winter 2007. (Scout/ US Mil)
Brodhead, Michael
J. “Elliott Coues and the Apaches.” Vol. 14 No. 2 Summer 1973. (Apache/US
Brown, Stanley C.
“Whatever Happened to Joseph McLernon, Killed at the Battle of Big Dry
Wash?” Vol. 39 No. 1 Spring 1998. (Apache/US Mil)
Byar, Charles,
editor. “Gatewood Reports to His Wife from Geronimo’s Camp.” Vol. 7 No. 2
Summer 1966. (Apache/US Mil)
Chapel, William L.
“Camp Rucker: Outpost in Apacheria.” Vol. 14 No. 2 Summer 1973. (US
Clum, John P.
“Documents of Arizona History: ‘All About Courtesy’ In a Verbal War, John P.
Clum Has a Parting Shot.” Vol. 4 No. 2 Summer 1963. (Apache)
Cramer, Harry G.
III. “Tom Jeffords–Indian Agent.” Vol. 17 No. 3 Autumn 1976. (Apache/Indian
Davidson, Lori.
“The Apaches at Home.” Vol. 14 No. 2 Summer 1973. (Apache Photo essay)
_____. “Fifty Years
at Fort Apache.” Vol. 17 No. 3 Autumn 1976. (US Mil/Apache)
_____. “New Light
on the Cibecue Fight: Untangling Apache Identities.” Vol. 20 No. 4 Winter
1979. (Apache/US Mil)
Doerner, Rita.
“Sinew Riley, Apache Scout.” Vol. 14 No. 4 Winter 1973. (US Mil/Apache)
Du Bois, John Van
Deusen. “Battle on the Gila: Lt. John Van Deusen Du Bois’s Account of an
Episode in the 1857 Gila-Apache Campaign.” Vol. 43 No. 2 Summer 2002.
(Apache/US Mil)
F. Finerty, John F.,
edited by Charles Collins. “On the March with Major Tupper’s Command: John Finerty Reports the Cibecue Campaign of 1881.” Vol. 40 No. 3 Autumn 1999.
(Apache/US Mil)
Fisher, Andrew H.
“Working in the Indian Way: The Southwest Forest Firefighter Program and
Native American Wage Labor.” Vol. 41 No. 2 Summer 2000. (Apache/Gen)
Gale, Jack C.
“Hatfield Under Fire, May 15, 1886: An Episode of the Geronimo Campaigns.”
Vol. 18 No. 4 Winter 1977. (US Mil/Apache)
_____. “Lebo in
Pursuit.” Vol. 21 No. 1 Spring 1980. (US Mil/Buffalo Soldiers/Apache)
Hagemann, E. R.
“Scout Out From Camp McDowell” Vol. 5 No. 3 Fall 1964 (Apache/US Mil)
_____, editor.
“Surgeon Smart and the Indians: An 1866 Apache Word-List.” Vol. 11 No. 2
Summer 1970. (Apache/US Mil)
Harte, John Bret.
“The Strange Case of Joseph C. Tiffany–Indian Agent in Disgrace.” Vol. 16
No. 4 Winter 1975. (Apache/Indian Agent)
Hedren, Paul L.
“Captain Charles King at Sunset Pass.” Vol. 17 No. 3 Autumn 1976. (US
Iverson, Peter.
“Carlos Montezuma and the Fort McDowell Yavapai Community.” Vol. 22 No. 4
Winter 1981. (Yavapai/Apache/US Mil)
Keenan, Jerry.
“This is a Fine Hot Old Country: Yellowstone Kelly at the San Carlos Apache
Reservation 1904-1909.” Vol. 45 No. 3 Autumn 2004. (Apache)
Kessell, John L.,
editor. “Anza, Indian Fighter: The Spring Campaign of 1766.” Vol. 9 No. 3
Autumn 1968. (Span Mil/apache/ Ind)
Kuhn, Berndt.
“Siege in Cook’s Canyon: The Freeman Thomas Fight of 1861.” Vol. 38 No. 2
Summer 1997. (Apache/Stagecoach)
McCarty, Kieran and
C. L. Sonnichsen. “Tini Verdin and the ‘Truth’ of History.” Vol. 14 No. 2
Summer 1973. (Apache/Geronimo)
McDonnell, Carlos.
“Montezuma’s Crusade Against the Indian Bureau.” Vol. 22 No. 4 Winter 1981.
(Yavapai/Apache/US Gov)
Meise, Michael R.
“The Battle of Big Dry Wash: Arizona’s Last Great Apache Fight.” Vol. 39 No.
1 Spring 1998. (Apache/US Mil)
Radbourne, Allan.
“The Naming of Mickey Free.” Vol.17 No. 3 Autumn 1976. (US Mil/Apache)
_____. “The
Education of Mickey Free: Conflict and Acculturation in Arizona-Sonora
Borderland.” Vol. 46 No. 3 Autumn 2005. (Apache/US Mil)
_____. “Great
Chief: Hashkeedasillaa of the White Mountain Apache.” Vol. 50 No. 1 Spring
2009. (Apache)
Reed, Bill. “Fort
McDowell : The “Most Unhappy Post.” Vol. 17 No. 3. (US Mil/Apache)
Robinson, Daniel,
edited & annotated by Douglas C. McChristian and Larry L. Ludwig.
“Eyewitness to the Bascom Affair: An Account by Sergeant Daniel Robinson,
Seventh Infantry.” Vol. 42 No. 3 Autumn 2001. (Apache/US Mil)
Salmon, Roberto
Mario, translator & editor. “No Hope of Victory: Pineda’s 1791 Report on the
Apache Frontier.” Vol. 20 No. 3 Autumn 1979. (Span Mil/Apache)
Salzman, M. Jr.
“Geronimo, the Napoleon of Indians.” Vol. No. 3 Autumn 1967. (Apache)
Santiago, Mark.
“The Spanish Drummer Boy: A Glimpse of Soldier Life on the Apache Frontier.”
Vol. 47 No. 4 Winter 2006. (Spanish Military/Apache)
_____. “The Greatest
Misfortune and Poverty: An Army Widow at the Tucson Presidio.” Vol. 52 No. 1
Spring 2011. (Span Mil/Apache)
_____. “The Flight
of Some Weak Women, Apache Prisoners of War in New Spain: A 1779 Incident.”
Vol. 51 No. 1 Spring 2010. (Apache/Span. Mil)
Scott, Kim Allen.
“‘Whiskey is the Enemy Most Formidable in this Campaign’: Capt. Gustavus
Cheyney Doane’s Fight with Boredom and Vice during the Geronimo Pursuit.”
Vol. 48 No. 1 Spring 2007. (US Mil/Apache)
Seymour, Deni J.
“1762 on the San Pedro: Re-evaluating Sobaipuri-O’odham Abandonment and New
Apache Raiding Corridors.” Vol. 52 No. 2 Summer 2011. (O’odham/Apache)
Smith, Ralph A.
“Apache ‘Ranching’ Below the Gila, 1841-1845.” Vol. 3 No. 4 Winter 1962.
Sonnichsen, C. L.
“Who was Tom Jeffords?” Vol. 23 No. 4 Winter 1982. (Indian Agent/Apache)
Stockel, H.
Henrietta. “Chiricahua Apache Women: A Photo Essay.” Vol. 42 No. 1 Spring
2001. (Apache)
Storm, C. Gilbert.
“Adventures in the Apache Country: J. Ross Browne and Charles Poston Try to
Revive Arizona’s Fortunes–and Their Own.” Vol. 53 No. 1 Spring 2012.
Sweeney, Edwin R. “Mangas
Coloradas and Apache Diplomacy: Treaty Making with Chihuahua and Sonora,
1842-43.” Vol. 39 No. 1 Spring 1998. (Apache/Mex)
Turcheneske, John
A. “The Arizona Press and Geronimo’s Surrender.” Vol. 14 No. 2 Summer 1973.
Tyler, Barbara Ann.
“Cochise: Apache War Leader, 1858-1861.” Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring 1965. (Apache)
Utley, Robert M.
“The Surrender of Geronimo.” Vol. 4 No. 1 Spring 1963. (Apache)
_____. “The Past
and Future of Old Fort Bowie.” Vol. 5 No. 4 Winter 1964. (US Mil)
Welsh, Michael E.
“Corydon E. Cooley: Pioneer in Two Worlds.” Vol. 20 No. Autumn 1979.
Wharfield, H. B.
“Apache Kid and the Record.” Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring 1965. (Apache)
Woodward, Arthur.
“Sidelights on Fifty Years of Apache Warfare.” Vol. 2 No. 3 Fall 1961.
(Apache/US Mil)
Journal of the Southwest
(F806 A69)
Ball, Eve. “Juh’s
Stronghold in Mexico.” Vol. 15 No. 1 Spring 1974. (Apache)
Chip. “The ‘Camp Grant Massacre’ in the Historical Imagination.” Vol. 45 No.
3 Autumn 2003. (Apache)
Dibbern, John. “The
Reputations of Indian Agents: A Reappraisal of John P. Clum and Joseph C.
Tiffany.” Vol. 39 No. 2 Summer 1997. (Indian Agents)
Duke, Doris. “Oral
History Remembered (Native American).” Vol. 47 No. 1 Spring 2005. (The
entire issue includes material collected by Doris Duke on the Maricopa,
White Mountain Apache, Mohave, Chemehuevi, Seri. She was a key figure in Native
American Oral History Program.)
Goodwin, Neil.
“Like a Brother: Grenville Goodwins’s Apache Years, 1928-1939.” Vol. 43 Nos.
1-2 Spring/Summer 2001. (Apache/Anthropology/ Entire issue covering Goodwin)
Griffen, William B.
“The Chiricahua Apache Population Resident at the Janos Presidio, 1792 to
1858.” Vol. 33 No. 2 Summer 1991. (Apache)
Mahaney, Nancy and
John R. Welch. “The Legacy of Fort Apache: Interpretive Challenges at a
Community Historic Site.” Vol. 44 No. 1 Spring 2002. (Apache/US
McCarty, Kieran.
“Bernardo de Galvez on the Apache Frontier: the Education of a Future
Viceroy.” Vol. 36 No. 2 Summer 1994. (Apache/Spanish)
Pearson, J. Diane
and Fred Wesley. “Recalling the Changing Women: Returning Identity to
Chiricahua Apache Women and Children.” Vol. 44 No. 3 Autumn 2002. (Apache)
Rolak, Bruno J.
“General Miles: Mirrors: the Heliograph in the Geronimo Campaign 1886.” Vol.
16 No. 2 Summer 1975. (US Mil/Apaches)
Welch, John R. “’A
Monument to Native Civilizations’: Byron Cummings’ Still-Unfolding Vision
for Kinishba Ruins.” Vol. 49 No. 1 Spring 2007. (Archaeology)
_____. “White
Mountain Apache Photographs.” Vol. 49 No. 1 Spring 2007. (Apache)
_____. “ Kinishba
Bibliography.” Vol. 49 No. 1 Spring 2007. (Archaeology/Apache/Pueblo)
Kansas Historical Quarterly
(F676 K33)
Historical Collection
Section I:
Ellis, Anderson
Nelson. “Recollections of an Interview with Cochise, Chief of the Apaches.”
Vol. 13, 1913-1914, Pp. 387-392. (Apache/US Mil)
Military History of the West
(F381 T35)
Anderson, John Q.
“Fort Elliot, Texas, Last Guard of the Plains Indians.” Vol. 2 November 1962
No. 4 Page 243-254. (Mil/Indians)
Courtney, Bradley
G. “One of the Most Remarkable Marches Ever Made: The Lawton Expedition and
American Pursuit of Geronimo’s Band of Chiricahua Apaches.” Vol. 34 No. 1
2004. (Apache/Mil)
_____. “The 10th
Cavalry’s Company Pursues Geronimo, 27 April-3 May 1886.” Vol.39 2009.
Goldbdatt, Kenneth
A. “Scout to Quitman Canyon, Report of Captain Geo W. Baylor of the Frontier
Battalion.” Page 149-159 Vol. 6 No. 2 Summer 1967. (Rangers/Apache)
Kane, Adam. “Army
Politics and Indian Wars: Charles B. Gatewood and the Geronimo Campaign of
1886.” Vol. 26 No. 2 Fall 1996. (Apache)
Langellier, J.
Phillip. “Camp Grant Affair.” Vol. 15 No. 2 1979 Pp. 17-30. (Indians)
Turcheweske, John
A. Jr. ”Arizonian & the Apache Prisoners at Mount Vernon Barracks, Alabama:
‘They Do Not Die Fast Enough.” Vol. 11 No. 3 1973 Page 197. (Apache)
Wooster, Robert.
“Military Strategy in the Southwest 1848-1860.” Vol. 15 No. 2 1979 Pp. 4-16.
(Mil & Ind)
Mississippi Valley Historical Review
Journal of American History)
(E171 J87)
Flores, Dan. “Bison
Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.” Vol. 78
No. 2 Sept. 1991.
Hamalainen, Pekka.
“The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures.” Vol. 90 No. 2 Dec.
2003. (Comanche/Horses)
New Mexico Historical Review
(F791 N65)
Babcock, Matthew.
“Rethinking the Establishment: Why Apaches Settled on Spanish-Run
Reservations, 1786-1793.” Vol. 84 No. 3. (Apache)
Ball, Durwood.
“Fort Craig, New Mexico, and the Southwest Indian Wars, 1854-1884.” Vol. 73
No. 2. (U.S. /Mil)
Bibo, Arthur “Arty”
G. and A. E. Bob Roland, editors. “The Ballad of Placida Romero: History of
an Apache Raid, A Captured Woman, and a Song.” Vol. 86 No. 3.
Bloom, Lansing B.
“Bourke on the Southwest— I.” Vol. 8 Jan. 1933 No. 1 Page 1 (Mil)
Bloom, Lansing B.
Bourke on the Southwest—II.” Vol. 9 Jan. 1934 No. 1 Pp. 33; Part III Vol. 9
No. 2; Part IV Vol. 9 No. 3; Part V Vol. 9 No. 4. (Mil)
_____. “Bourke on
the Southwest—VIII.” Vol. 11 No. 1; Part IX Vol. 11 No. 2; Part-X Vol. 11 No.
3; Part XI Vol. 12 No. 1; Part XII Vol. 12 No. 4. (Mil)
_____. “Bourke on
the Southwest—Part XIII.” Vol. 13 No. 2. (Mil)
Brooks, Clinton E.
and Reeves, Frank D., editors. “James A Bennett; A Dragoon in New Mexico,
1850-1856.” Vol. 22 No. 1; Contd. Vol. 22 No. 2. (Mil)
Clum, John P.
“Geronimo.” – 3 Parts
Part 1 Vol. 3
No. 1 January 1928.
Part 2 Vol. 3 No. 2
April 1928.
Part 3 Vol. 3 No. 3
July 1928. (Apache)
_____. “Es-Kim-in-zin.”
Vol. 3 No. 4 Oct. 1928; Part 2 Vol. 4 No. 1 January 1929. (Apache)
_____. “The
Apaches.” Vol. 4 No. 2 April 1929. (Apaches)
_____. “The San
Carlos Apache Police.” Vol. 4 No. 3 July 1929. (Apache)
_____.“The San
Carlos Apache Police, II.” Vol. 5 No. 1 January 1930. (Apache)
_____. “Apache
Misrule—A Bungling Agent sets the Military Arm in Motion.” Vol. 5 No. 2
April 1930; Part. 2 Vol. 5 No. 3 July 1930. (Apache)
_____. “Apaches as
Thespians in 1876.” Vol. 6 No. 1 Jan. 1931 Page 76. (Apache)
Dinges, Bruce J.
“The Victorio Campaign of 1880: Cooperation and Conflict on the United
States-New Mexico Border.” Vol. 62 No. 1. (Apache/Mil)
Dolan, Thomas A.
(Agent). “Report of Council Proceedings with the Jicarilla Apache Indians,
December 1873.” Vol. 1 No. 1. January 1929. (Apache)
Dungan, Ron. “He Is
Constantly Anger: Eshkeldah-silah, White Mountain Apache Chief.” Vol. 81 No.
2. (Apache)
Ellis, Richard N.,
editor. “The Apache Chronicle.” Vol. 47 No. 3. (Apache)
Gardner, Hamilton.
“Philip St. George Cooke and the Apache, 1854.” Vol. 28 No. 2. (Apache)
Goodwin. “Clans of the Western Apache.” Vol. 8 No. 2 July 1933 Page 176.
Hays, Kelly R.
“General Garland’s War: The Mescalero Apache Campaigns, 1854-1855.” Vol. 67
No. 3. (Apache/U.S. Mil)
Karr, Steven M.
“Indian Depredation along Texas’s Rio Grande and Trans-Pecos Frontiers,
1877-1882.” Vol. 79 No. 2. (Comanche/Apache/ U.S. Mil)
Kessell, John L.
“Campaigning on the Upper Gila.” Vol. 46 No. 2. (Mil/Apache)
_____. “Juan
Bautista de Anza, Father and Son.” Vol. 79 No. 2. (Comanche/Span Mil/Apache)
Lecompte, Janet. “Manco
Burro Pass Massacre.” Vol. 41 No. 4. (Jicarilla Apache)
Matson, Daniel S.
and Alert H. Schroeder, editors. “Cordero’s Description of the Apache.” Vol.
32 No. 4. (Apache)
McNeil, Irving.
“Indian Justice. Vol. 19 No. 4—Picture of Mescalero Apaches (Apache)
McNitt, Frank
“Origins of Fort Sumner.” Vol. 45 No. 2. (Mil)
Myers, Lee “Fort
Webster on the Mimbres River.” Vol. 41 No. 1. (Mil/ Apache)
_____ “The Enigma
of Mangas Coloradas’ Death.” Vol. 41 No. 4. (Apache)
Ogle, Ralph H.
“Federal Control of the Western Apaches, 1848-1886, Part I.” Vol. 14 No. 1;
Part III & IV Vol. 15 No. 1; Part V &VI Vol. 15 No.2 (Conclusion) Vol. 15
No. 3 (Apache)
_____. “The Apache
and the Government—1870s.” Vol. 33 No. 2. (Apache)
Opler, Morris E. “A
Chiracahua Apache’s Account of the Geronimo Campaign of 1886.” Vol. 13 No.
4. (Apache)
_____& Catherine H.
“Mescalero Apache History of the Southwest.” Vol. 25 No. 1. (Apache)
Powers, Nellie
Brown. “A Ride from Geronimo, the Apache.” Vol. 36 No. 2. (Apache)
Reeve, Frank D.,
editor. “Puritan and Apache.” Vol. 23 No. 4; Conclusion Vol. 24 No. 1. (Mil/
_____, editor. “War
and Peace: Two Arizona Diaries.” Vol. 24 No. 2. (AZ/ Ind)
Richmond, Douglas
W. “The Climax of Conflicts with Native Americans in New Mexico: Spanish and
Mexican Antecedents to U.S. Treaty Making During the U.S.-Mexico War,
1846-1848.” Vol. 80 No. 1. (Ind/Comanche/U.S./Mex)
Samek, Hana. “No
‘Bed of Roses’: The Careers of Four Mescalero Indian Agents, 1871- 1878.”
Vol. 57 No. 2. (Apache/ U.S. Agents)
Smith, Ralph A.
“Apache Plunder Trail Southward, 1831-1840.” Vol. 37 No. 1. (Apache)
Sweeney, Edwin R.
“Cochise and the Prelude to the Bascom Affair.” Vol. 64 No. 4. (Apache/ U.S.
Tate, Michael L.
“‘Pershing Pets’: Apache Scouts in Mexican Punitive Expedition of 1916.”
Vol. 66 No. 1. (Apache/U.S. Mil)
Taylor, Mendell
Lee. “The Western Services of Stephen Watts Kearny 1815-1848.” Vol. 21 No.
3. (Mil)
Taylor, Morris F.
“Campaign Against the Jicarilla Apache 1854.” Vol. 44 No. 4 & Vol. 45 No. 2.
(Jicarilla Apache)
Taylor, Morris F.
“Plains Indians on the New Mexico- Colorado Border: The Last Phase
1870-1876.” Vol. 46 No. 4. (Cheyenne, Kiowa, Kiowa Apache & Comanche)
(Plains Ind)
Thomas, Alfred B.
“Documents Bearing upon the Northern Frontier of New Mexico, 1818-1819.”
Vol. 4 No. 2 April 1929. (Ind/ Span/ Mex)
Turcheneske, John
A. “Disaster at White Tail: The Fort Sill Apaches’ First Ten Years at
Mescalero, 1913-1923.” Vol. 53 No. 2. (Apache)
Warner, Ted J.
“Frontier Defense.” Vol. 41 No. 1. (Mil/Span/Ind)
Watt, Robert N.
“‘Horses Worn to Mere Shadows’: The Ninth U.S. Cavalry’s Campaign Against
the Apaches in New Mexico Territory, 1879-1881.” Vol. 86 No. 2. (Apache/U.S.
Weber, David J.
“American Westward Expansion and the Breakdown of Relations Between
Pobladores and ‘Indios Barbaros’ on Mexico’s Far Northern Frontier,
1821-1846.” Vol. 56 No. 3. (Comanche/ Apache/ Ind/Mex)
Whilden, Charles E.
“The Scalp Hunt in Chihuahua—1849.” Vol. 40 No. 2. (Ind/Mex)
Worcester, Donald
E. “The Beginnings of the Apache Menace of the Southwest.” Vol. 16 No. 1.
_____. “The Spread
of Spanish Horses in the Southwest.” Vol. 19 No. 3; Vol. 20 No. 1. (Gen)
_____. “The Weapons
of American Indians.” Vol. 20 No. 3. (Ind)
_____. “The Apaches
in the History of the Southwest.” Vol. 50 No. 1. (Apache)
Order of the Indian Wars Journal
(PER 31 o65 i39)
Cole, D. C. “Chiricahua
Apache War Novice Complex.” Vol. 1 No. 4 Fall 1980. (Apache).
Myers, Lee. “The
Enigma of Mangas Coloradas’ Death.” Vol. 2 No. 3 Summer 1981. (First
published in the
NMHR, XLI:4 1966) (Apache).
Radbourne, Allan.
“Sergeant Hasson’s Account of the Sierra Enmedio Fight.” Vol. 2 No. 4 Fall
1981. (US Mil/Apache)
Stute, James L. “Delshay
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