Cheyenne Articles in Historical Journals Compiled by Randy Vance Contact Information: Reference Department, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library Telephone: (806) 742-9070 Email:
American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICR) (E75 A5124)
Carocci, Max. “Visualizing
Gender Variability in Plains Indian Pictographic Art.” Vol. 33 No. 1 2009.
Clough, Josh. “A Victim of
Its Own Success: The Story of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Fair,
1910-13.” Vol. 30 No. 2 2006. (Arapaho/Cheyenne)
Arizona and the West
(F806 A69)
Berthrong, Donald J.
“Cattlemen on the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, 1883-1885.” Vol. 13 No. 1
Spring 1971. (Cheyenne/Arapaho/Cattlemen)
_____. “Legacies of the
Dawes Act: Bureaucrats and Land Thieves at the Cheyenne-Arapaho Agencies of
Oklahoma.” Vol. 21 No. 4 Winter 1979. (Cheyenne/Arapaho agencies/land)
Garland, Hamlin, edited by
Lonnie E. Underhill & Daniel F. Littlefield Jr. “The Cheyenne “Outbreak” of
1897: As Reported by Hamlin Garland.” Vol. 15 No. 3 Autumn 1973.
(Cheyenne/US Mil)
Kelsey, Harry. “The
Doolittle Report of 1867: Its Preparation and Shortcomings.” Vol. 17 No. 2
Autumn 1975. (US Gov/Ind/Cheyenne)
White, Lonnie J. “The
Cheyenne Barrier on the Kansas Frontier, 1868-18659.” (Cheyenne/US)
Chronicles of Oklahoma (F691 C55)
Keeling, Henry C. “My
Experience with Cheyenne Indians.” Vol. 3 No.1 April 1925 Pp. 59-74. (Ind)
Bass, Althea. “The
Cheyenne Transporter.” Vol. 46 No. 2 1968 Pp. 127-140. (Cheyenne)
Brown, Donald N. “The
Ghost Dance Religion among the Oklahoma Cheyenne.” Vol. 30 No. 4 Winter
1952-53 Pp. 408-416. Photos and Drawings (Cheyenne)
Buntin, Martha.
“Difficulties Encountered in Issuing Cheyenne and Arapaho Subsistence
1861-1870.” Vol. 13 No. 1 March 1935 Pp. 37-45. (Ind)
Campbell, W. S. “The
Cheyenne Dog Soldiers.” Vol. 1 No. 1 Jan 1921. (Ind)
Collings, Ellsworth.
“Roman Nose: Chief of the Southern Cheyenne.” Vol. 42 No. 4 Pp. 429-457.
Covington, James Warren.
“Cause of the Dull Knife Raid.” Vol. 26 No.1 1948 Pp.13-22. (N. Cheyenne)
Dale, Edward Everett. “The
Cheyenne-Arapaho Country.” Vol. 20 No.4 Dec 1942 Pp. 360- 371. (Ind)
Ediger, Theodore A. &
Vinnie Hoffman. “Some Reminiscences of the Battle of the Washita.” Vol. 33
No. 2 1955 Pp. 137-141. (Mil/Ind)
Gage, Duane. “Black
Kettle: A Noble Savage?” Vol. 45 No. 3 1967 Pp. 244-251. (Cheyenne)
Hodge, Patt. “The History
of Hammon.” Vol. 44 No. 2 1966 Pp.130-139. (Cheyenne/Arapaho)
Hoig, Stan. “The Northern
Cheyenne Exodus and the 1878 Battle of Turkey Springs.” Vol. 80 No. 1 2002
Pp. 4-19. (Cheyenne)
Lees, William B. & Douglas
D. Scott & C. Vance Haynes. “History Underfoot: The Search for Physical
Evidence of the 1868 Attack on Black Kettle’s Village.” Vol. 39 No. 2 2001
Pp. 158-181. (Mil/Ind)
Lockard, F. M. “A Version
of a Famous Battle.” (Beecher’s Island) Vol. 5 No. 3 Sept 1927 Pp. 297-310.
Mellor, Wm. J. “The
Military Investigation of Colonel John M. Chivington following the Sand
Creek Massacre.” Vol.16 No.4 Dec.1938 Pp.444-464. (Mil/ Ind)
Meserve, Charles Frances.
“First Allotment of Lands in Severalty among the Cheyenne and Arapaho
Indians.” Vol. 11 No. 4 Dec. 1933. (Ind)
Mitchell, Michael Dan.
“Acculturation Problems among the Plains Indians.” Vol. 44 No. 3 1966 Pp.
281-289. (Plains Ind)
Murphy, John.
“Reminiscences of the Washita Campaign and of Darlington Indian Agency.”
Vol. 1 No. 3 June 1923 Pp. 259-278. (Ind/Mil)
Nesbitt, Paul. “Battle of
the Washita.” Vol. 3 No. 1 April 1925 Pp. 3-32. (Mil/Ind)
Nespor, Robert Paschal.
“From War Lance to Plow Share.” Vol. 65 No. 1 1987 Pp. 42-75. (Cheyenne)
Pennington, William D.
“Government Policy and Indian Farming on the Cheyenne and Arapaho
Reservation: 1869-1880.” Vol. 57 No. 2 1979 Pp. 170-189. (Ind/ Res)
Peterson, Karen. “The
Writings of Henry Roman Nose.” Vol. 42 No. 4 Pp. 479-487. (Cheyenne)
Potect, Chrystabel Berron.
“The Ending of the Cheyenne Legend.” Vol. 41 No. 1 1963 Pp. 9-14. (Cheyenne)
Seger, John H. “Traditions
of the Cheyenne Indians.” Vol. 6 No. 3 Sept 1928. (Ind)
Silberman, Arthur.
“Watona’s Day in the Sun.” Vol. 66 No. 4 1988 Pp. 374-391. (Cheyenne)
Thetford, Francis. “Battle
of the Washita Centennial, 1968.” Vol. 46 No. 4 1968 Pp. 358-361. (Mil/Ind)
Turner, Alvin O. “David
Pendleton Oakerhater.” Vol. 70 No. 2 1993 Pp. 118- 137. (Cheyenne)
Van Zandt, Howard F. “The
Battle of Washita Revisited.” Vol. 62 No. 1 1984 Pp. 56- 69. (Mil/Ind)
Wright, Peter M. “The
Pursuit of Dull Knife from Fort Reno.” Vol. 46 No. 2 1968 Pp. 141-154.
Ethnohistory (E51 .E8) Ewers, John C. “Symmes C. Oliver, Ecology and Cultural Continuity as Contributing Factors in the Social Organization of the Plains Indians.” Vol. 10 No. 1 Winter 1963. (Plains Indians/Comanche)
Great Plains Journal (F591 .G76) Taylor, Morris F. “Some Aspects of Historical Indian Occupation of Southeastern Colorado.” Fall 1964. (Comanche/Ute/Apache/Plains Ind)
Great Plains Quarterly (F591 G762)
Hack, Steven C. “This Must Have Been a Grand Sight: George Bent and the
Battle of Platte Bridge.” Vol. 30 No. 1 Winter 2010. (Cheyenne/Arapaho)
Hamalainen, Pekka “The First Phase of Destruction: Killing the Southern
Plains Buffalo, 1790-1840.” Vol. 21 No. 2 Spring 2001. (Buffalo/Comanche/
Plains Ind)
Schmidt, Kimberly D. “Moneneheo and Naheverism: Cheyenne and Mennonite
Sewing Circles, Convergence and Conflicts, 1890-1975.” Vol. 31 No. 1 Winter
2011. (Cheyenne)
Journal of American History (Mississippi Valley Historical Review) (E171 J87) Barr, Juliana. “From Captives to Slaves: Commodifying Indian Women in the Borderlands.” Vol. 92 No. 1 June 2005. (TX Ind/Caddo/Comanche) Flores, Dan. “Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.” Vol. 78 No. 2 September 1991. (Comanche/Bison) Hamalainen, Pekka. “The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures.” Vol. 90 No. 2 December 2003. (Comanche/Horses) Young, Otis E. “The United States Mounted Ranger Battalion, 1823-1833.” Vol. 41 No. 3 December 1954. Also known as the First Dragoons. (US Mil/Plains Ind) Journal of the Indian Wars (E81 J66)
Courtesy of the Colorado
State Historical Society and the Colorado University Press.
“Cheyenne Dog Soldiers: A
Ledgerbook History of Coups Combat.” Vol. 1 No. 1 1999. (Cheyenne)
Craighead, Sarah L.
“Washita Battlefield: An Introduction to a New National Historic Site.” Vol.
1 No. 1 1999. (Battle of Washita)
DeSpain, S. Matthew.
“Captain Albert Barnitz and the Battle of the Washita: New Documents, New
Insights. ”Vol. 1 No. 2 1999. (Battle of DeSpain, S Matthew the Washita)
Grimes, Richard S. The
Ascent of the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, 1838-1869.” Vol. 1 No. 4 2000.
Lees, William B.
“Archaeological Evidence: The Attack on Black Kettle’s Village on the
Washita.” Vol. 1 No. 1999. (Battle of the Washita)
Noyes, C. Lee. “A Tale of
Two Battles: George Armstrong Custer and the Attacks at the Washita and the
Little Bighorn.” Vol. 1 No. 1 1999. (Battle of the Washita)
Oman, Kerry R. “Island
Besieged: Forsyth’s Scouts at the Battle of Beecher Island.” Vol. 1 No. 4
2000. (US Mil/Plains Ind)
Rea, Bob. “Sheridan &
Custer: Camp Supply and the Winter Campaign of 1868-1869.” Vol. 1 No. 1
1999. (Battle of the Washita)
Historical Quarterly
(F676 K33) Kansas Historical Collection Section I: 1875-1928
Brown, George W., edited
by William E. Connelley. “Kansas Indian Wars.” Vol. 17 1926-1928, Pp.
134-139. (US Mil/Cheyenne)
_____, edited by William
E. Connelley. “Life and Adventures of George W. Brown: Soldier, Pioneer,
Scout, Plainsman, Buffalo Hunter.” Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 98-134. (Buffalo
Hunter/Scout/US Mil/Jack Stillwell)
Burgess, Henderson
Lafayette. “The Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and Some Incidents
Connected With Its Service on the Plains.” Vol. 13 1913-1914 Pp. 534-538.
(Comanche/Plains Ind./US Mil)
Connelley, William Elsey. “The Treaty Held at Medicine Lodge.” Vol. 17
1926-1928 Pp. 601-606.(US Gov/Plains Ind/ Comanche)
Daster, Frank Judge. “Eleventh Indiana Cavalry in Kansas in 1865.” Vol. 15
1919-1922 Pp. 524-529. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Comanche/Cheyenne/Arapaho/others)
Grinnell, George Bird.
“Bent’s Old Fort and Its Builders.” Vol. 15, 1919-1922 Pp. 28-91. Map
Hurst, John and Sigmund
Shlesinger. (scout) “The Beecher Island Fight.” Vol. 15 1919-1922 Pp.
530-547. (US Mil/Scouts/Plains Ind)
Jenness, George B. “The
Battle of Beaver Creek.” Vol. 9 1905-1906 Page 443. (US
Keeling, Henry C. “My
Experience with Cheyenne Indians.” Vol. 11 1909-1910 Pp. 306-313. (Cheyenne)
McBee, John, edited by
William E. Connelley. “John McBee’s Account of the Expedition of the
Nineteenth Kansas, as He Told It to William E. Connelley.” Vol. 17 1926-1928
Pp. 361-374. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Battle of Washita)
Seabrook, S. L.
“Expedition of Colonel E. V. Sumner Against the Cheyenne Indians, 1857.”
Vol. 16 1923-1925 Pp. 306-315. (US Mil/Cheyenne)
Whitney, Chauncey B.
“Diary of Chauncey B. Whitney: A Scout with Forsyth at Beechers Island.”
Vol. 12 1911-1912 Pp. 296-302. (Scout/US Mil/Ind)
Wynkoop, E. E. “Edward
Wanshear Wynkoop.” Vol. 13 1913-1914 Pp. 71-79. (US Mil/Cheyenne/Sand Creek)
Historical Quarterly 1931-1977)
Campbell, Hortense
Balderston. “Camp Beecher.” Vol. 3 No.2 May 1934. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Cheyenne)
Garfield, Marvin H. “The
Military Post as a Factor in Frontier Defense of Kansas, 1865-1869.” Vol. 1
No. 1 Nov. 1931 Pp. 50-62. (US Mil./Ind.)
_____. “Defense of the
Kansas Frontier, 1864-1865.” Vol. 1 No. 2 Feb.1932. (US Mil/Ind)
_____. “Defense of the
Kansas Frontier, 1866-1867.” Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1932 Pp. 326-344. (US
_____. “Defense of the
Kansas Frontier, 1868-1869.” Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov. 1932 Pp. 451-473. (US Mil/
Southern Plains Ind)
Montgomery, Mrs. Frank C.
“United States Surveyors Massacred by Indians (Lone Tree, County, 1874).”
Vol. 1 No. 3 May 1932 Pp. 266-272. (US Gov/Cheyenne)
Stanley, Henry M. “A
British Journalist Reports the Medicine Lodge Peace Councils of 1867.” Vol.
33 No. 3 Autumn 1967. (US Gov/Southern Plains Tribes)
Unrau, William E. “The
Story of Fort Larned.” Vol. 23 No. 3 Autumn 1957. (US Mil/Southern Plains
Wellman, Paul I. “Some
Famous Kansas Frontier Scouts.” Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1932 Pp. 345-359. (US
Welty, Raymond L “The
Policing of the Frontier by the Army, 1860-1870.” Vol. 7 No. 3 Aug. 1938.
(US Mil/Comanche/Plains Ind)
West, G. Derek. “The
Battle of Sappa Creek (1875).” Vol. 34 No. 2 Summer 1968. (US Mil/Cheyenne)
White, Lonnie J. “Indian
Raids on the Kansas Frontier, 1869.” Vol. 38 No. 4 Winter 1972. (US
Mil/Southern Plains Tribes)
Zwinke, Timothy A. “E. W.
Wynkoop and the Bluff Council 1866.” Vol. 43 No. 2 Summer 1977. (Treaty/US
Gov/Plains Indians/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)
Kansas History
1978- to present
Berthrong, Donald J. “From
Buffalo Days to Classrooms: The Southern Cheyennes and Arapahos and Kansas.”
Vol. 12 No. 2 Summer 1989. (Cheyenne/Arapaho)
Clapsaddle, David.
“Conflict and Commerce on the Santa Fe Trail: The Fort Riley-Fort Larned
Road, 1860-1867.” Vol. 16 No 2 Summer 1993. (Trails/ US
Criqui, Orvel A. “A
Northern Cheyenne Called Roman Nose.” Vol. 8 No. 3 Autumn 1985. (US
Dixon, David. “A Scout
with Custer: Edmund Guerrier on the Hancock Expedition of 1867.” Vol. 4 No.
3 Autumn 1981. (US Mil/Scouts/ Cheyenne)
Epp, Todd D. “The State of
Kansas v. Wild Hog.” Vol. 5 No. 2 Summer 1982. (Kansas Gov/Cheyenne)
Fruehauf, Erich. “Early
Surveys in Kansas.” Vol. 5 No. 2 Summer 1982. (US Gov/Exploration/Cheyenne)
Haack, Steven C.
“Gathering War Clouds: George Bent’s Memories of 1864.” Vol. 34 No. 2 Summer
2011. (Cheyenne/Traders/US Mil)
Low, Denise and Ramon
Powers. “Northern Cheyenne Warrior Ledger Art: Captivity Narratives of
Northern Cheyenne Prisoners in 1879 Dodge City.” Vol. 35 No. 1 Spring 2012.
Trennert, Robert A.
“Indian Policy on the Santa Fe Road: The Fitzpatrick Controversy of
1847-1848.” Vol. 1 No. 4 Winter 1978. (US Mil/Southern Plains
Military History of the West (F381 T35) Anderson, John Q. “Fort Elliott, Texas, Last Guard of the Plains Indians.” Vol. 2 No. 4 November 1962 Pp. 243-254. (Military/ Indians) Cruse, J. Brett. “The Battle of Round Timber Creek and the use of Experimental Carbines During the Red River War of 1874.” Vol. 38 2008 Page Nos. 51-84. Map and Photos (Ind/Mil) Cutrer, Thomas W. “My Wild Hunt after Indians, 23 April-7 September 1860.” Vol. 21 No. 1. Spring 1991. (TX Rangers) Harrison, Lowell H. “The Two Battles of Adobe Walls” Vol. 5 No. 1 Spring 1965 Pp. 1-11. (Ind/ Mil/Buffalo Hunters) Leach, John A. “Search And Destroy: Counter-Insurgency on the American Plains.” Vol. 9 No. 1 1971 Pp. 55-60. (Ind/Mil) Rogers, Jerry L. “The Flint and Steel: Background to the Red River War of 1874-1875” Vol. 7 No. 3 Fall 1969. (Ind/Mil) _____. “To the Canyons of the Tule ; Colonel Nelson A. Miles and the Indian Territory Expedition 1874” Vol. 7 No. 4 Winter 1968 Pp. 267-294. (Ind/Mil) _____. “Luck, Logistics and Major Price: Problems of the Indian Territory Expeditions Autumn, 1874” Vol. 8 No. 1 1970. (Ind/Mil) _____. “The Indian Territory Expedition: Winter Campaign, 1874-1875” Vol. 8 No. 4 1970 Pp. 233-248. Map (Ind/Mil) Wallace, Ernest. “Prompt in the Saddle: The Military Career of Ranald S Mackenzie.” Vol. 9 No. 3 1971 Pp. 161-190. (Military) White, Lonnie J “New Sources Relating to the Battle of Adobe Walls, 1874.” Vol. 8 No. 1 1970. (Ind/Mil) _____. “Letters of a Sixth Cavalryman Stationed at ‘Cantonment’ in the Texas Panhandle, 1875.” Vol. 7 No. 2 Summer 1968 Pp. 77-102. (Ind/Mil) _____. “The Santa Fe Trail in ’65: The Military Defense of the Road.” Page 107-128. (Trail/Mil/Ind) _____. “The First Battle of the Palo Duro Canyon.” Vol. 6 No. 3 Fall 1967 Pp. 222-235. Map & Photos (Ind/Mil) Wooster, Robert. “Military Strategy in the Southwest 1848-1860.” Vol. 15 No. 2 1979 Pp. 4-16. (Ind/Mil)
Mississippi Valley
Historical Review
Journal of American History)
(E171 J87) Flores, Dan. “Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The
Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.” Vol. 78 No. 2 Sept. 1991.
(Comanche/Bison) Hamalainen, Pekka.“The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian
Horse Cultures.” Vol. 90 No. 2 Dec. 2003. (Comanche/Horses) Young, Otis E. “The United States Mounted Ranger
Battalion, 1823-1833.” Vol. 41 No. 3 Dec 1954. (US Mil/Plains Ind) Also
known as the First Dragoons
New Mexico Historical Review (F791 N65) Taylor, Morris F. “Plains Indians on the New Mexico-Colorado Border: The Last Phase 1870-1876.” Vol. 46 No. 4. (Cheyenne, Kiowa, Kiowa-Apache, Comanche/Plains Ind) Order of the Indian Wars (PER 31 o65 i39) Agonito, Joseph. “The Art of Plains Indian Warfare.” Vol. 1 No. 1 Winter 1980. (Plains Ind.) Battaly, Robert J. “The Effects of the Buffalo Life Cycle on the Military History of the Indian Wars, 1866-1891.” Vol. 1 No. 2 Spring 1980. (US Mil/Buffalo) Pettis, George H., Capt. California Volunteer Infantry, “Kit Carson’s Fight with the Comanche and Kiowa Indians” Vol. 1 No. 3 Summer 1980. (Comanche/Kiowa/US Mil) Remington, Frederic. “Horses of the Plains” Vol. 2 No. 1 1981. (Plains Ind/Horses).
Panhandle Plains Historical Review (F381 P2) Alexander, Thomas E. “Custer on the Washita: A Rehearsal
for His Own Destruction.” Vol. 1998. (US Mil/Ind) McClure, C. B., editor. “The Battle of Adobe Walls.” Vol. 21 1948. McKinley, J. W. “J. W. McKinley’s Narrative.” (Battle of Adobe Walls & Lyman’s Wagon Train fight, firsthand account?) Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 61-70. (Ind/US Mil/Buffalo hunter) Rea, Bob, editor. “The Red River War Diary of Private John Hechner.” Vol. 71 1998. (US Mil/Ind) Sheffy, L. F. “The Spanish Horse on the Great Plains.” Vol. 5 1932. (Plains/Horse/Ind) Taylor, Joe F., compiled & edited. “The Indian Campaign on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875.” Vol. 34 1961. (US Mil/Ind) ________. “The Indian Campaigns on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875.” conclusion Vol. 35 1962. (US Mil/Ind)
Plains Anthropologist (E78 G73 P52) Banks, Kimball M. and Snortland, J. Signe. “Every Picture Tells a Story: Historic Images, Tipi Camps, and Archaeology.” Vol. 40 No. 152 May 1995. (Tipi/Archaeology) Brasser, Ted J. “The Tipi as an Element in the Emergence of Historic Plains Indians Nomadism.” Vol. 27 No. 98 Part I November 1982. (Tipi/Plains Ind) Hanson, Jeffrey R. “Structure and Complexity of Medicine Bundle Systems of Selected Plains Tribes.” Vol. 25 No. 89 Aug. 1980. (Plains Ind) Jacobsen, Brooke R. and Eighmy, Jeffrey L.“A Mathematical Theory of Horse Adoption on the Northern American Plains.” Vol. 25 No. 90 November 1980. (Horse) Keyser, James D. “A Shoshonean Origin for the Plains Shield-Bearing Warrior Motif.” Vol. 20 No. 69 August 1975. (Comanche/Shoshone) Keyser, James D. and Mitchell, Mark. “Decorated Bridles: Horse Tack in Plains Biographic Rock Art.” Vol. 46 No. 177 May 2001. (Horses) Maxwell, Joseph A. “The Evolution of Plains Indian Kin Terminologies: A Non-Reflectionist Account.” Vol. 23 No. 79 1978. (Plains Ind)
Moore, John H. “The
Ornithology of Cheyenne Religionists.” Vol. 31 No. 113 Aug. 1986. (Cheyenne)
Nagy, Imre. “A Typology of
Cheyenne War Shields.” Vol. 39 No. 147 Feb. 1994. (Cheyenne) Neuman, Robert W. “North American Indian Tent Encampments: Tipi Rings, Wooden Wall Anchors and Windbreaks.” Vol. 55 No. 215 August 2010. (Plains Ind/Tipi) Newton, Cody. “Towards a Context for Late Pre-contact Culture Change: Comanche Movement Prior to Eighteenth-Century Spanish Documentation.” Vol. 56 No. 217 2011. (Comanche) Oetelaar, Gerald A. “Beyond Activity Areas: Structure and Symbolism in the Organization and Use of Space Inside Tipis.” Vol. 45 No. 171 February 2000. (Ind/Tipi)
Ottoway, Harold N. “A
Possible Origin for the Cheyenne Sacred Arrow Complex” Vol. 15 No. 48 May
1970 (Cheyenne) Schlesier, Karl H. “Rethinking the Midewiwin and the
Ceremonial Called the Sun Dance.” Vol. 35 No. 127. (Sun Dance) Turpin, Solveig. “The End of the Trail: An 1870s Plains Combat Autobiography in Southwest Texas.” Vol. 34 No. 124 Part 1 May 1989. (Comanche/Kiowa/Mil) Red River Valley Historical Review (PER 31 R318 R621) Carlson, Paul H. “William R. Shafter, Black Troops, and the Finale to the Red River War.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (US Ind/Mil). Harris, Charles W. “The Red River War of 1874-75: The End of an Era on the Great Plains.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (US Ind/Mil). Kyvig, David E. “Policing the Panhandle: Fort Elliott Texas, 1875-1890.” Vol. 1 No. 3 Autumn 1974. (US Mil). Leckie, William H. “Buell’s Campaign.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (Comanche/US Mil). Shaw, Virginia. “The End of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Alliance.” Vol. 5 No. 1. (Cheyenne/Arapaho). Stout, Joseph A., Jr. “Davidson’s Campaign.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (Trail). Tate, Michael L. “Indian Scouting Detachments in the Red River War, 1874-1875.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (Ind/US Mil). Southwestern Historical Quarterly (F381 T341) Cruse, Brett J. “Archaeological Investigation at the Battle of Red River Site: New Perspectives on the 1874 Indian Campaign in the Texas Panhandle.” Vol. 06 No. 2 Pp. 169-194.
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