Comanche Bibliography

Compiled by Pat Clark

Contact Information:

Reference Department,

Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library

Telephone: (806) 742-9070


See also "Comanche" and "Indians: Texas" in the Reference Files list

for additional resources including microfilm and manuscript collections.

See also Comanche Articles in Historical Journals.

Abernethy, Francis Edward (ed.) Built in Texas: Denton, TX: University of North Texas

            Press, 2000.

Aboites Aguilar, Luis. “Poder politico y ‘barbaros’ en Chihuahua hacia 1845 (Political

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            Sociales, v.19 (1991), pp.17-32.

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Adare, Sierra S., and Lance B. Jones. “The Last Comanche Code Talker,” World War II,

            v.16, no.5 (January 2002), pp.58-65.

Adrian, Marlin Wayne. Mennonites, Missionaries, and Native Americans: Religious

            Paradigms and Cultural Encounters (Dissertation). University of Virginia, 1989.

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            2005), p.20.

Alter, Judy. The Comanches. Danbury: Franklin Watts; Scholastic Library Publishing,


American Political Science Association. Conference Papers: 2004 Annual Meeting, Chicago

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Anderston, Alice J. “Kaawosa Plays a Trick of a Soldier: A Comanche Coyote Story” in

 Hill, pp.243-255.

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            Literary Heritage. Houston: Arte Público, 2002.

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Archuleta, E. “Comanche Peace Pipe,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly, v.106, no.2

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Armagost, James L. “Comanche ma-: Undistinguished Deictic, Narrative Obviative,”

International Journal of American Linguistics, v.51, no.3 (1985), pp.302-320.

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            Spanish Document,” Tlalocan (Mexico), v.11 (1989), pp.367-374.

_____. “Temporal Relationship between Telling and Happening in Comanche Narrative,”

            Anthropological Linguistics, v.24, no.1 (1982), pp.193-200.

_____. “Three Exceptions to Vowel Devoicing in Comanche,” Anthropological

            Linguistics, v.28, no.3 (1986), pp.255-265.

_____. “Two Problems in Comanche Pronouns,” International Journal of American

            Linguistics, v.51 (1985), pp.334-336.

Babcock, Matthew McLaurine. Trans-National Trade Routes and Diplomacy: Comanche

            Expansion, 1760-1846 (Thesis). University of New Mexico, 2001.

Barnard, Herwanna Becker. The Comanche and His Literature: With an Anthology of His

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Beach, W. W. (ed.) The Indian Miscellany. Albany: J. Munsell, 1877.

Becker, William J. The Compounding of Words in the Comanche Indian Language

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Bender, Margaret. “Glimpses of Local Masculinities: Learning from Interviews with


 Kiowa, Comanche, Apache, and Chickasaw Men,” Southern Anthropologist,

v.31, nos.1/2 (2005), pp.1-17.

Betty, Gerald. Comanche Pastoralism, 1700-1850 (Thesis). Arizona State University,


_____. Comanche Society, 1706-1850 (Dissertation). Arizona: Arizona State University,


_____. Comanche Society: Before the Reservation. College Station: Texas A & M

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____. “Comanche Warfare, Pastoralism, and Enforced Cooperation,” Panhandle-Plains

            Historical Review, v.68 (1995), pp.1-13.

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            Pastoralists,” Heritage of the Great Plains, v.30, no.1 (1997), pp.4-13.

Bial, Raymond. The Comanche. Tarrytown, Benchmark Books, 1999.

Biggs, Bonnie.  “Bright Child of Oklahoma; Lotsee Patterson and the Development of

            America’s Tribal Libraries,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal,

v. 24, no.4 (2000), pp.55-67.

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            (March 20, 1976), p.11.

Blackhawk, Ned. Violence over the Land: Colonial Encounters in the American Great

            Basin (Dissertation). University of Washington, 1999.

Blakely, Mike. “Comanche Horsemanship,” The Western Horseman, v.64, no.9

            (September 1, 1999), p.98.

Boeck, Brian J. “’They Contributed Very Much to the Success of our Colony’: A New

            Source on Early Relations between Germans and Indians at Fredericksburg,

            Texas,” Southwestern Historical Quarterly, v.105, no.1 (2001), pp.81-91.

Boulris, Mark. “Images of the Comanche and the Effect of the Horse,” in Brown,

Essays v.2, pp.87-114.

Brice, Donaly E. The Great Comanche Raid: Boldest Indian Attack of the Texas

            Republic. Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 1987.

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Brito, Silvester J. The Development and Change of the Peyote Ceremony through Time

            and Space (Dissertation). Indiana University, 1975.

Broce, Gerald. Cultural Continuity in the Transformation of Comanche Society (Thesis).

            Wichita, KS: Wichita State University, 1966.

Broome, Benjamin J. “Collective Design of the Future: Structural Analysis of Tribal

            Vision Statements,” American Indian Quarterly, v.19, no.2 (1995), pp. 205-227.

Brown, Ian W. (ed.) Essays on the Ethnohistory of the North American Indian, 2.v. no

            publication information available.

Brown, Peter J. “The Trial of Sanapia: A Teaching aid for Medical Anthropology,”

            Medical Anthropology Newsletter, v.11, no.4 (August 1980), pp.9-10.

Brown, William R., Jr. “Comancheria Demography, 1805-1830,” Panhandle-Plains

            Historical Review, v.59 (1986), pp.1-17.

Buckles, William G. “Archaeology in Colorado: Historic Tribes,” Southwestern Lore,

v.34, no.3 (1968), pp.53-67.

Buller, Galen Mark. “Comanche and Coyote, The Culture Maker,” in Swann,


_____. Comanche Oral Narratives (Dissertation). Lincoln: University of

            Nebraska, 1977.

Buntin, Martha.  History of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Indian Agency (Thesis).

            Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1931.

Campbell, Gregory Ray (ed.) Plains Indian Historical Demography and Health:

            Perspectives, Interpretations, and Critiques. Lincoln: Plains Anthropological

            Society, 1989.

Canonge, Elliott D.. Comanche Texts. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the

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_____. “Voiceless Vowels in Comanche,” International Journal of American Linguistics,

            v.23, no.2 (April 1957), pp.63-67.

Cantine, Pamela Ann. Peyotism and Culture: An Anthropological Study of the Peyote

            Religious Movement (Kiowa, Comanche, Menomini, Navajo, Ute, Winnebago)

            (Thesis). Fullerton: California State University-Fullerton, 1995.

Canty, Carol Shannon. New World Pastoralism: A Study of the Comanche Indians

            (Thesis). San Antonio: University of Texas at San Antonio, 1986.

Carlson, Gustav G., and Volney H. Jones. “Some Notes on Uses of Plants by the

            Comanche Indians in Michigan,” v.25, pp.517-542.

Casagrande, Joseph B. “Comanche Baby Language,” International Journal of American

            Linguistics, v.14 (1948), pp.11-14.

_____. Comanche Linguistic Acculturation: A Study in Ethnolinguistics (Thesis).

            Columbia University, 1951.

_____. “Comanche Linguistic Acculturation,” International Journal of American Linguistics,

            v.20-21 (1954-1955), pp.140151, 217-237; 8-25.

Cash, Joseph H., and Gerald W. Wolff. The Comanche People. Phoenix: Indian Tribal

            Series, 1974.

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            University of California, 1932.

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            in Two Nineteenth…, pp.25-53.

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            Electronic Defense, v.23, no.2 (February 2000), p.14.

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            Plains,” West Texas Historical Association Year Book, v.72 (1996), pp.58-68.

Chapman, Berlin Basil. “The Day in Court for the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache

            Tribes,” Great Plains Journal, v.2, no.1 (1962), pp.1-21.

Charney, Jean Ormsbee. A Grammar of Comanche. Lincoln: University of Nebraska

            Press, 1994.

_____.  A Grammatical Sketch of the Comanche Language             (Dissertation). Boulder:

University of Colorado at Boulder, 1989.

Chaves, Amado. The Defeat of the Comanches in 1717. Sante Fe: New Mexican Printing

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Chronister, Allen. “Kiowa and Comanche,” Whispering Wind, v.34, no.4 (2004),

pp.30-31, 33.

Clark, Wahnne C. “The Grand Celebration: An Indian Delegation to Washington,”

            Chronicles of Oklahoma, v.66, no.2 (1988), pp.192-205.

Cobb, Amanda J. “Powerful Medicine—The Rhetoric of Comanche Activist LaDonna

            Harris,” Studies in American Indian Literatures, v.18, no.4 (Winter 2006), pp.63-87.

Cochrane, Candace Porter. Between a Dry Tree and A Green Tree: Using Photographs to

            Explore Kiowa and Comanche Perspectives of Their History in the Postallotment

            Period (1887-1945) (Dissertation). Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1995.

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            no.5 (2004), pp.707-708.

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            2006), p.34.

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            1990), p.221.

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            (February 2007), pp.24-25.

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Davis, Anne Walendy. Discovering Comanche Health Beliefs Using Ethnographic

            Techniques (Dissertation). Texas Woman’s University, 1992.

Davis, Michael G. Cultural Preadaptation Hypothesis: A Test Case on the Southern

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De Capua, Sarah. The Comanche. Tarrytown: Benchmark Books, 2006.

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            City: Institute for the Development of Indian Law, n.d.

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            United States and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians. Washington, DC:

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            (1972), pp.474-478.

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            v.70, no.4 (November 2001), pp.543-569.

_____. “`Remedy for Barbarism’: Indian Schools, the Civilizing Program, and the

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_____. To Change Them Forever: Indian Education at the Rainy Mountain Boarding

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_____. To Change Them Forever: Schooling on the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation,

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_____. “’Truly Dancing Their Own Way,: Modern Revival and Diffusion of the Gourd

            Dance,” American Indian Quarterly, v.14, no.1 (Winter 1990), pp.19-33.

Elvin, John. “Liberals Circle the Wagons Against Indian Attacks [about David

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Englar, Mary. The Comanche Indians: Nomads of the Southern Plains. Bloomington:

            Bridgestone Press, 2003.

Evans, Dennis. “Southern Plains Women’s Boots, with emphasis on the Comanche Style,”

            American Indian Tradition, v.8, no.5 (1962), pp.181-195.

Evans, Sterling (ed.) American Indians in American History, 1870-2001. Westport, CN:

            Praeger, 2002.

Ewers, John C. Plains Indian History and Culture: Essays on Community and Change.

            Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.

Faulk, Odie B. “The Comanche Invasion of Texas, 1743-1836,” Great Plains Journal,

            v.9, no.1 (1969), pp.10-50.

_____. “Spanish-Comanche Relations and the Treaty of 1785,” Texana, v.2, no.1 (1964),


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            (September 1964), pp.290-294.

Fehrenbach, T.R. Comanches: The Destruction of a People. New York: Knopf, 1974.

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            [The Indians of the Spanish Province and Prairies of New Mexico],” Historia y

            Vida, v.24, no.284 (1991), pp.48-63.

Flores, Dan L. Alternative World: Comanche Spirit of Place and the Pre-Agricultural

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            Studies, Texas Tech University, 2001. [SWC]

_____. “Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800-1850,”

The Journal of American History, v.78, no.2 (September 1991), pp.465-485; also

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Foote, Cheryl. “Spanish-Indian Trade along New Mexico’s Northern Frontier in the

            Eighteenth Century,” Journal of the West, v.24, no.2 (1985), pp.22-33.

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            University of Arizona Press, 1993. [SWC]

Fowler, Loretta. The Columbia Guide to American Indians of the Great Plains. New York:

            Columbia University Press, 2003.

Freeland, Jeffrey B. Culture Contact and the Growth of Pan-Indianism among Three

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            Conflict between Settlers and Indians (Dissertation). Cornell University, 1984.

Garcia Rejon, Manuel (comp.) Comanche Vocabulary: Trilingual Edition. Austin:

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            no.3 (January 2000), p.273-308.

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Healy, Donald T., and Peter J. Orenski. Native American Flags. Norman: University of

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Briscoe County (Tex.) Photograph Collection, 1895-1968, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech


Carl Coke Rister Photograph. Collection, 1868-1915, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech


Ernest Wallace Papers, 1870-1986, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech University.

Ernest Wallace. Photograph Collection, 1865-1980, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech

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Margie Negri Photograph Collection, 1870-1900, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech.

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Mrs. Howard Traweek Photograph Collection, 1890-1948, Southwest Collection, Texas

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Quanah Parker Photograph Collection, 1962, Southwest Collection, Texas Tech University, SWCPC 282.


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