Comanche Articles in Historical Journals

Compiled by Randy Vance

Contact Information:

Reference Department,

Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library

Telephone: (806) 742-9070


American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICR) (E75 A5124)

Carocci, Max. “Visualizing Gender Variability in Plains Indian Pictographic Art.” Vol. 33 No. 1 2009. (Plains/Ind)

Ellis, Clyde. “A Remedy for Barbarians: Indian Schools, the Civilizing Programs, and the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation, 1871-1915.” Vol. 18 No. 3 1994. (Kiowa/Comanche/Apache/U.S. Gov)

Meadows, William C. “Honoring Native American Code Talkers Recognition Act 2008 (Public Law 110-420).” Vol. 35 No. 3 2011. (Code talkers/Navajo/Comanche/Hopi/Choctaw & others)


Arizona and the West (F806 A69)

Hamilton, Allen Lee. “The Warren Wagon Train Raid: Frontier Indian Policy at the Crossroads.” Vol. 28 No. 3 Autumn 1986. (US Mil/Kiowa/Comanche/Southern Plains Tribes)

Park, Joseph F. “Spanish Indian Policy in Northern Mexico, 1765-1810.” Vol. 4 No. 4 Winter 1962. (Span/Ind/Comanche/Lipan/TX-AZ-NM Indians)

Pope, Captain John, edited and annotated by Robert M. Utley. “Captain John Pope’s Plan of 1853 for the Defense of New Mexico. Vol. 5 No. 2 Summer 1963. (Plan not adopted) (US Mil/ Apache/Comanche/Navajo/Ute/Ind)


Chronicles of Oklahoma (F691 C55)

Agnew, Brad. “War against the Comanches.” Vol. 49 No. 2 1971 Pp. 211-229.

Allgood, Samuel Y. “Historic Spots and Actions in the Washita Valley.” Vol. 5 No. 2 June 1927 Pp. 221-233. (Mil/OK)

Becker, Daniel A. “Comanche Civilization with History of Quanah Parker.” Vol. 1 No. 3 June 1923.

Becker, W. J. “The Comanche Indian and his Language.” Vol. 14 No. 2 June 1936 Pp.135-155. (Comache/Ind)

Buntin, Martha. “The Quaker Indian Agents of the Kiowa, Comanche and the Wichita Indian Reservation.” Vol. 10 No. 2 June 1932. (Ind/Agents)

_____. “The Beginning of the Leasing of the Surplus Grazing Lands on the Kiowa and Comanche Reservations.” Vol. 10 No. 3 1932. (Ind/Cattle)

Clark, Wahnne C. “The Grand Celebration—An Indian Delegation to Washington.” Vol. 6 No. 2 1988 Pp. 192-205. (Kiowa/Comanche)

Cooper M. Charles. “The Big Pasture.” Vol. 35 No. 2 1957 Pp. 138-146. (Ind/Res)

Corwin, Hugh D. “Protestant Missionary Work among the Comanches and Kiowas.” Vol. 46 No.1 1968 Pp. 41-57. (Comanche/Kiowa)

Dale, Edward Everett. “Old Navajoe.” Vol. 24 No. 2 Summer 1946 Pp. 128-145. Includes battle between Navajo and Comanche (Navajo/Comanche)

Day, James M. “Two Quanah Parker Letters.” Vol. 44 No. 3 1966 Pp. 313- 318. (According to footnote Pg. 315, Quanah’s letters were written for him by one of his sons (Quanah Parker)

Foreman, Grant. “A Journal kept by Douglas Cooper of an Expedition by a Company of Chickasaws in Quest of Comanche Indians.” Vol. 5 No. 4 December 1927 Pp. 381-390. (Ind/Mil- Indians vs. Indians)

_____. “The Journal of the Proceedings at Our First Treaty with the Wild Indians, 1835.” Vol. 14 No. 4 December 1936 Pp. 393-418. (Ind/US)

_____. “Historical Background of the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation.” Vol. 19 No. 2 1941 Pp. 129-140. (Ind/Res)

Griswold, Gillett. “Camp Comanche.” Vol. 73 No. 3 1995 Pp. 322-340. (Mil/Comanche)

Harper, Milburn C. “An Early Railroad Agent in the Kiowa-Comanche Country.” Vol. 33 No. 3 1955 Pp. 288-300. (Railroad/Ind)

LaVere, David L. “Comanche-Euroamerica Relations.” Vol. 71 No. 3 1993 Pp. 322-337. (Comanche)

Leahy, Todd. “Beef Instead of Bayonets: Cultural Mores and the Failure of Assimilation on the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation.” Vol. 83 No. 4 2005 Pp. 490-499. (Kiowa-Comanche)

Lindquist, G. E. E. “Indian Treaty Making.” Vol. 26 No. 4 Winter 1948/ 49 Pp. 416- 448. (Ind/Treaty)

Linzee, E. H. “Registration and Drawing for Opening of Kiowa and Comanche Country, 1901.” Vol. 25 No. 3 Autumn 1947 Pp. 289- 294. (Ind/Land)

Mitchell, Michael Dan. “Acculturation Problems among the Plains Indians.” Vol. 44 No. 3 1966 Pp. 281-289. (Plains Ind)

Monahan, Forrest D. “The Kiowa-Comanche Reservation.” Vol. 45 No. 4 1967 Pp. 451-463. (Comanche/Kiowa)

Murphy, John. “Reminiscences of the Washita Campaign and of Darlington Indian Agency.” Vol. 1 No. 3 June 1923 Pp. 259- 278. (Ind/Mil)

Nesbitt, Paul. “Battle of the Washita.” Vol. 3 No. 1 April 1925 Pp. 3-32. (Ind/Mil)

Nye, Captain Wilbur S. “Excitement on the Sweetwater.” Vol. 16 No. 2 June 1938 Pp. 241-249. (Ind/Mil)

Perrine, Fred S. and Grant Foreman. “Dragoon Expedition 1834-1835.” Vol. 35 No. 3 September 1925 Pp. 175-215. (US Mil)

Rister, C. C. “A Federal Experiment in Southern Plains Indian Relations, 1835-1845.” Vol. 14 No. 4 December 1936 Pp. 434-455. (Ind/US)

Smith, Ralph A. “The Comanche Bridge Between Oklahoma and Mexico, 1843-1844.” Vol. 39 No. 1 1960 Pp. 54-69. Includes map (Comanche)

Steele, Aubrey L. “The Beginning of Quaker Administration of Indian Affairs in Oklahoma.” Vol. 17 No. 4 December 1939 Pp. 364-392. (Ind)

_____. “Lawrie Tatum’s Indian Policy.” Vol. 22 No. 1 Spring 1944 Pp. 83-97. (Ind Agent)

Tate, Michael L. “Comanche Captives.” Vol. 72 No. 3 1994 Pp. 228-263. Includes pictures (Comanche)

_____. “The Frontier of Northwest Texas during the Civil War.” Vol. 50 No. 2 1972 Pp. 177-189. (TX Frontier)

Taylor, Alfred A. “Medicine Lodge Peace Council.” Vol. 2 No. 2 June 1924 Pp. 98-118. (US/Ind)

Trafzer, Cliff “Comanche Killer or Commentator? Captain Marcy the Ethnographer.” Vol. 58 No. 1 1980 Pp. 53-64. Picture of Marcy (Ind/Mil)

Tyler, Ronnie. “Quanah Parker’s Narrow Escape.” Vol. 46 No. 2 1968 Pp. 183-189. (Quanah Parker)

Van Zandt, Howard F. “The Battle of Washita Revisted.” Vol. 62 No. 1 1984 Pp. 56-69. (Ind/Mil)

Walker, Jerell R. “Sign Language of the Plains Indians.” Vol. 31 No. 2 Summer 1953 Pp. 168-177. (Ind)

Welham, Paul I. “Cynthia Ann Parker.” Vol. 12 No. 2 June 1934 Pp. 145-162. (Ind/Parker/Comanche)

Wyckoff, Don G. & Towana Spivey. “Archaelogical Investigation of Fort Washita.” Vol. 49 No. 4 1971 Pp. 492-503. (Ind/Mil)

Ethnohistory (E51 .E8)

Ewers, John C. “Symmes C. Oliver, Ecology and Cultural Continuity as Contributing Factors in the Social Organization of the Plains Indians.” Vol. 10 No. 1 Winter 1963. (Plains Indians/Comanche)

Jackson, Robert H. “Comments on ‘Examining the Complexity of Historic Population Decline: A Case Study of Pecos Pueblos.” Vol. 45 No. 1 1998. (Pecos)

Kidwell, Clara Sue. “Indian Women as Cultural Mediators.” Vol. 39 No. 2 1992. (Ind)

Levine, Frances and LaBauve. “Examining the Complexity of Historic Population Decline: A Case Study of Pecos Pueblo.” Vol. 44 No. 1 1997. (Pecos)

Meadows, William C. “‘They Had A Chance to Talk to One Another’: The Role of Incidence in Native American Code Talking.” Vol. 56 No. 2 2009. (Ind/ Code talkers/Comanche/ Navajo/Hopi)

Whitehead, Neil L. “Between Empires: Indians in the American West During the Age of Empire.” Vol. 54 No. 4 2007. (Ind)


Great Plains Journal (F591 .G76)

Chapman, Berlin B. “The Day in Court for the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Tribes.” Fall 1962. (Comanche/Kiowa/Apache)

Corwin, Hugh D. “Oscar Yellowwolf Comanche.” Spring 1962. (Comanche)

Faulk, Odie B. “The Comanche Invasion of Texas 1743-1836.” Fall 1969. (Comanche)

Jones, William K. “Three Kwahari Comanche Weapons.” Fall 1968. (Comanche)

Pate, J’Nell “The Battle of Adobe Walls.” Vol. 16 No. 1 Fall 1976. (Comanche/Buffalo Hunters)

Smith, Ralph A. “Scalp Hunting: A Mexican Experiment in Warfare.” Vol. 23 1984. (Scalp)

_____. “The Comanches’ Foreign War: Fighting Head Hunters in the Tropics.” Vols. 24-25 1987-1988. (Comanche)

_____. “The Bounty Wars of the West and Mexico.” Vols. 28-29 1989-1990. (Bounty/Scalp)

Tate, Michael L. “Frontier Defense on the Comanche Ranges of Northwest Texas, 1846-1860.” Vol. 11 No. 1 Fall 1971. (Comanche)

Taylor, Morris F. “Some Aspects of Historical Indian Occupation of Southeastern Colorado.” Fall 1964. (Comanche/Ute/Apache/Plains Ind)

Weddle, Robert S. “The San Saba Mission: Approach to the Great Plains.” Spring 1965. (Comanche/Apache/Span)


Great Plains Quarterly (F591 G762)

Greybill, Andrew R. “Rangers, Mounties, and the Subjugation of Indigenous Peoples, 1870-1885.” Vol. 24 No. 2 Spring 2004. (Comanche/Kiowa/ Buffalo)

Hamalainen, Pekka. “The First Phase of Destruction: Killing the Southern Plains Buffalo, 1790-1840.” Vol. 21 No. 2 Spring 2001. (Buffalo/Comanche/ Plains Ind)

Isenberg, Andrew C. “Toward A Policy of Destruction: Buffalo, Law, and the Market, 1803-1883.” Vol. 12 No. 4 Fall 1992. (Buffalo)

Kaye, Frances W. “Plains Indian Culture: An Introduction.” Vol. 7 No. 2 Spring 1987. (Plains Ind)

Magnaghi, Russell M. “Plains Indian in New Mexico: the Genizaro Experience.” Vol. 10 No. 2 Spring 1990. (Plains Ind/Spanish)

Meadows, William C. “Black Goose’s Map of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation in Oklahoma Territory.” Vol. 26 No. 4 Fall 2006. Map (Comanche/Kiowa/Apache)

Oman, Kerry R. “The Beginning of the End: The Indian Peace Commission of 1867-1868.” Vol. 22 No. 1 Winter 2002. (Ind)

Petersen, Martin E. “On the Nature of the Horse of the American West in Nineteenth Century Art.” Vol. 7 No. 1 Winter 1987. (Horses)

Ritterbush, Lauren W. “Drawn by the Bison: Late Prehistoric Native Migration into the Central Plains.” Vol. 22 No. 4 Fall 2002. (Ind/Buffalo)

Wrinkle, Kenneth. “Bison: the Past, Present, and Future of the Great Plains and Introduction.” Vol. 21 No.2 Spring 2001. (Buffalo/Comanche/Plains Ind)


Journal of American History (Mississippi Valley Historical Review) (E171 J87)

Barr, Juliana. “From Captives to Slaves: Commodifying Indian Women in the Borderlands.” Vol. 92 No. 1 June 2005. (TX Ind/Caddo/Comanche)

Flores, Dan. “Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.” Vol. 78 No. 2 September 1991. (Comanche/Bison)

Hamalainen, Pekka. “The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures.” Vol. 90 No. 2 December 2003. (Comanche/Horses)

Young, Otis E. “The United States Mounted Ranger Battalion, 1823-1833.” Vol. 41 No. 3 December 1954. Also known as the First Dragoons. (US Mil/Plains Ind)


Journal of the Indian Wars (E81 J66)

Colloway, Colin G. “Beyond Body Counts: Search for Multiple Meaning of Conflict in Indian Wars.” Vol. 2 No. 1 2001. (Ind/Mil)

DeSpain, S. Matthew. “Captain Albert Barnitz and the Battle of the Washita: New Documents, New Insights.” Vol. 1 No. 2 1999. (Battle of the Washita)

Lees, William B. “Archaeological Evidence: The Attack on Black Kettle’s Village on the Washita.” Vol. 1 No. 1999. (Battle of the Washita)

Noyes, C. Lee. “A Tale of Two Battles: George Armstrong Custer and the Attacks at the Washita and the Little Bighorn.” Vol. 1 No. 1 1999. (Battle of the Washita)

Rea, Bob. “Sheridan & Custer: Camp Supply and the Winter Campaign of 1868-1869.” Vol. 1 No. 1 1999. (Battle of the Washita)


Kansas Historical Quarterly (F676 K33)

Kansas Historical Collection Section I: 1875-1928

Burgess, Henderson Larfayette. “The Eighteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and Some Incidents Connected With Its Service on the Plains.” Vol. 13 1913-1914 Pp. 534-538.(Comanche/Plains Ind./US Mil)

Campbell, C. . “Down Among the Red Man.” Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 623-691. (Plains Ind/Comanche/Kiowa)

Connelley, William Elsey. “The Treaty Held at Medicine Lodge.” Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 601-606. (US Gov/Plains Ind/ Comanche)

Daster, Frank Judge. “Eleventh Indiana Cavalry in Kansas in 1865.” Vol. 15 1919-1922 Pp. 524-529. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Comanche/Cheyenne/Arapaho/others)

McBee, John, edited by William E. Connelley. “John McBee’s Account of the Expedition of the Nineteenth Kansas, as He Told It to William E. Connelley.” Vol. 17 1926-1928 Pp. 361-374. (US Mil/Plains Ind/Battle of Washita)

Thoburn, Joseph B. “Indian Fight in Ford County in 1859.” Vol. 12 1911-1912 Pp. 312-330. (Comanche/US Mil)


Kansas Historical Quarterly 1931-1977

 Barry, Louise. “With the First U.S. Cavalry in Indian Country, 1859-1861.” Vol. 24 Nos.3 & 4. (US Mil/Kiowa/Comanche)

Covington, James W., editor. “A Robbery on the Santa Fe Trail, 1827.” Vol. 21 No. 7 Autumn 1955. (Trails/Ind/Pawnee/Comanche/Kiowa[not much on the last two]

Garfield, Marvin H. “The Military Post as a Factor in Frontier Defense of Kansas, 1865-1869.” Vol. 1 No. 1 Nov. 1931 Pp. 50-62 (US Mil./Ind.)

_____. “Defense of the Kansas Frontier, 1864-1865.” Vol. 1 No. 2 Feb.1932. (US Mil/Ind)

_____. “Defense of the Kansas Frontier, 1866-1867.” Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1932 Pp. 326-344. (US Mil/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)

_____. “Defense of the Kansas Frontier, 1868-1869.” Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov. 1932 Pp. 451-473. (US Mil/ Southern Plains Ind)

Kingman, Samuel A. “Diary of Samuel A. Kingman at Indian Treaty in 1865.” Vol. 1 No. 5 Nov. 1932 Pp. 442-450. (US Gov/Southern Plains Tribes & Osage)

Stanley, Henry M. “A British Journalist Reports the Medicine Lodge Peace Councils of 1867.” Vol. 33 No. 3 Autumn 1967. (US Gov/Southern Plains Tribes)

Stuart, Lt. J. E.B . “The Kiowa and Comanche Campaign of 1860 as Recorded in the Personal Diary of Lt. J. E. B. Stuart, edited by W. Stitt Robinson.” Vol. 23 No. 4 Winter 1957. (US Mil/Kiowa/Comanche)

Unrau, William E. “The Story of Fort Larned.” Vol. 23 No. 3 Autumn 1957. (US Mil/Southern Plains Tribes/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)

_____. “Indian Agent vs. Army: Some Background Notes on the Kiowa – Comanche Treaty of 1865.” Vol. 30 No. 2 Summer 1964. (US Gov/Comanche/Kiowa)

Wellman, Paul I. “Some Famous Kansas Frontier Scouts.” Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1932 Pp. 345-359. (US Mil/Scouts/Cheyenne/Kiowa/Comanche)

Welty, Raymond L. “The Policing of the Frontier by the Army, 1860-1870.” Vol. 7 No. 3 Aug. 1938. (US Mil/Comanche/Plains Ind)

White, Lonnie J. “Indian Raids on the Kansas Frontier, 1869.” Vol. 38 No. 4 Winter 1972. (US Mil/Southern Plains Tribes)

Zwinke, Timothy A. “E. W. Wynkoop and the Bluff Council 1866.” Vol. 43 No. 2 Summer 1977. (Treaty/US Gov/Plains Indians/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne/Arapaho)


Kansas History 1978- to present

Clapsaddle, David “Conflict and Commerce on the Santa Fe Trail: The Fort Riley-Fort Larned Road, 1860-1867.” Vol. 16 No 2 Summer 1993. (Trails/ US Mil/Comanche/Kiowa/Cheyenne)

Trennert, Robert A. “Indian Policy on the Santa Fe Road: The Fitzpatrick Controversy of 1847-1848”. Vol. 1 No. 4 Winter 1978. ( US Mil/Southern Plains Tribes/Comanche/ Roads) 



Military History of the West (F381 T35)

Anderson, John Q. “Fort Elliott, Texas, Last Guard of the Plains Indians.” Vol. 2 No. 4 November 1962 Pp. 243-254. (Military/ Indians)

Benner, Judith Ann. “The Making of a Soldier: The Indian Fighting Career of Lawrence Sullivan Ross, 1858-1861.” Vol. 16 No. 4 1980 Pp. 205-222. (Rangers & Indians)

Carlson, Paul. “‘Pecos Bill’ Shafter Scouting the Llano Estacado.” Vol. 16 No. 1 1980 Pp. 33-54. (Trails Military)

_____. “‘Pecos Bill’ Shafter on the Texas Frontier 1870-1875.” Vol. 15 No. 4 1979 Pp. 5-16. (Military)

_____. “William R. Shafter As a Frontier Commander.” Vol. 12 No. 1 1975 Pp. 15-30. (Military)

Cruse, J. Brett. “The Battle of Round Timber Creek and the use of Experimental Carbines During the Red River War of 1874.” Vol. 38 2008 Page Nos. 51-84. Map and Photos (Ind/Mil)

Cutrer, Thomas W. “My Wild Hunt after Indians, 23 April-7 September 1860.” Vol. 21 No. 1. Spring 1991. (TX Rangers)

Harrison, Lowell H. “The Two Battles of Adobe Walls” Vol. 5 No. 1 Spring 1965 Pp. 1-11. (Ind/ Mil/Buffalo Hunters)

Leach, John A. “Search And Destroy: Counter-Insurgency on the American Plains.” Vol. 9 No. 1 1971 Pp. 55-60. (Ind/Mil)

Pierce, Gerald S. “Burleson’s Northwestern Campaign.” Vol. 6 No. 3 Fall 1967 Pp. 190-201. Map (Rangers/Indians)

Rogers, Jerry L. “The Flint and Steel: Background to the Red River War of 1874-1875” Vol. 7 No. 3 Fall 1969. (Ind/Mil)

_____. “To the Canyons of the Tule ; Colonel Nelson A. Miles and the Indian Territory Expedition 1874” Vol. 7 No. 4 Winter 1968 Pp. 267-294. (Ind/Mil)

_____. “Luck, Logistics and Major Price: Problems of the Indian Territory Expeditions Autumn, 1874” Vol. 8 No. 1 1970. (Ind/Mil)

_____. “The Indian Territory Expedition: Winter Campaign, 1874-1875” Vol. 8 No. 4 1970 Pp. 233-248. Map (Ind/Mil)

Simpson, Harold B. “The Second U.S. Cavalry in Texas.” Pp. 55-75. (Ind/Mil)

Smith, David P. “The Elm Creek Raid, 1864.” Vol. 19 No. 2 Fall 1989. (TX Indians)

Van Horn, William. “Sheridan’s Saber: The 4th Cavalry Regiment in 1874.” Vol. 35 2005 Pp. 1-34. (Ind/Mil)

Wallace, Ernest. “Prompt in the Saddle: The Military Career of Ranald S Mackenzie.” Vol. 9 No. 3 1971 Pp. 161-190. (Military)

White, Lonnie J “New Sources Relating to the Battle of Adobe Walls, 1874.” Vol. 8 No. 1 1970. (Ind/Mil)

_____. “Letters of a Sixth Cavalryman Stationed at ‘Cantonment’ in the Texas Panhandle, 1875.” Vol. 7 No. 2 Summer 1968 Pp. 77-102. (Ind/Mil)

_____. “The First Battle of the Palo Duro Canyon.” Vol. 6 No. 3 Fall 1967 Pp. 222-235. Map & Photos (Ind/Mil)

Wooster, Robert. “Military Strategy in the Southwest 1848-1860.” Vol. 15 No. 2 1979 Pp. 4-16. (Ind/Mil)


Mississippi Valley Historical Review (Later Journal of American History) (E171 J87)

Flores, Dan. “Bison Ecology and Bison Diplomacy: The Southern Plains from 1800 to 1850.” Vol. 78 No. 2 Sept. 1991. (Comanche/Bison)

Hamalainen, Pekka.“The Rise and Fall of Plains Indian Horse Cultures.” Vol. 90 No. 2 Dec. 2003. (Comanche/Horses)

Young, Otis E. “The United States Mounted Ranger Battalion, 1823-1833.” Vol. 41 No. 3 Dec 1954. (US Mil/Plains Ind) Also known as the First Dragoons


New Mexico Historical Review (F791 N65)

John, Elizabeth A.H. “Nurturing the Peace: Spanish and Comanche Cooperation in the Early Nineteenth Century.” Vol. 59 No. 4. (Comanche/Span)

Karr, Steven M. “Indian Depredation along Texas’s Rio Grande and Trans-Pecos Frontiers,1877-1882.” Vol. 79 No. 2. (Comanche/Apache/U.S. Mil)

Kavanagh, Thomas W. “Los Comanches: Pieces of an Historic, Folkloric Detective Story, Part 1.” Vol. 81 No. 1; Part 2 in Vol. 81 No. 3. (Comanche)

Kessell, John L. “Juan Bautista de Anza, Father and Son.” Vol. 79 No. 2. (Comanche/Span Mil/Apache)

Merlan, Thomas and Levine, Francis. “‘Comanchero: José Piedad Tafoya,’ 1834-1913.” Vol. 81 No. 1. (Comanche/Comanchero)

Richmond, Douglas W. “The Climax of Conflicts with Native Americans in New Mexico: Spanish and Mexican Antecedents to U.S. Treaty Making During the U.S.-Mexico War, 1846-1848.” Vol. 80 No. 1. (Ind/Comanche/U.S./Mex)

Seefeldt, Douglas. “Constructing Comanche Pasts.” Vol. 81 No. 1. (Comanche)

Taylor, Morris F. “Plains Indians on the New Mexico-Colorado Border: The Last Phase 1870-1876.” Vol. 46 No. 4. (Cheyenne, Kiowa, Kiowa-Apache, Comanche/Plains Ind)

Tykal, Jack B. “Taos to St.Louis: The Journey of Maria Rosa Villalpanda.” Vol. 65 No. 2. (Comanche/ Captive Span)

Weber, David J. “American Westward Expansion and the Breakdown of Relations Between Pobladores and ‘Indios Barbaros’ on Mexico’s Far Northern Frontier, 1821-1846.” Vol. 56 No. 3. (Comanche/Apache/Ind/Mex)

Worcester, Donald E. “The Spread of Spanish Horses in the Southwest.” Vol. 19 No. 3; Vol. 20 No. 1. (Gen)

_____. “The Use of Saddles by American Indians.” Vol. 20 No. 2. (Ind)

_____. “The Weapons of American Indians.” Vol. 20 No. 3. (Ind)


Order of the Indian Wars (PER 31 o65 i39)

Agonito, Joseph. “The Art of Plains Indian Warfare.” Vol. 1 No. 1 Winter 1980. (Plains Ind.)

Battaly, Robert J. “The Effects of the Buffalo Life Cycle on the Military History of the Indian Wars, 1866-1891.” Vol. 1 No. 2 Spring 1980. (US Mil/Buffalo)

Kimball, Allan C. “The Comanche Trail Forts of Texas.” Vol. 2 No. 1 Winter 1981. (Trails/US Mil)

_______. “The Seminole Negro Indian Scouts.” Vol. 2 No. 4 Fall 1981. (Seminole Scouts)

Pettis, George H., Capt. California Volunteer Infantry, “Kit Carson’s Fight with the Comanche and Kiowa Indians” Vol. 1 No. 3 Summer 1980. (Comanche/Kiowa/US Mil)

Remington, Frederic. “Horses of the Plains” Vol. 2 No. 1 1981. (Plains Ind/Horses)


Panhandle Plains Historical Review (F381 P2)

Abert, J. W. “Journal of Lt. J. W. Abert from Bent’s Fort to St. Louis in 1845.” Vol. 14 1941 Pp. 9-114. Map (Trails/Ind/US Mil/Exploration)

Alexander, Thomas E. “Custer on the Washita: A Rehearsal for His Own Destruction.” Vol. 1998. (US Mil/Ind)

Archambeau, Ernest R. “The Battle of Lyman’s Wagon Train.” Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 103-114. (Ind/US Mil)

________.“Monthly Reports of the 4th Cavalry 1872-1874.” Vol. 38 1965 Pp. 95-154. (US Mil)

Brown, William R. “Comancheria Demography, 1805-1830.” Vol. 59 1986 Pp. 1-17. (Comanche)

Buntin, Martha “The Removal of the Wichitas, Kiowas, Comanches, and Apaches to the Present Agency.” Vol. 4 1931 Pp. 62-78.

Carlson, Paul H. “William R. Shafter, Black Troops, and the Opening of the Llano Estacado, 1870-1875.” Vol. 47 1974 Pp. 1-18. (US Mil/Ind)

________. “Relations Between the Comanche Indians and the Republic of Texas.” Vol. 53 1980 Pp. 17-34. (Comanche/Rep of TX)

Crimmins, Col. M. L. “Notes on the Establishment of Fort Elliot and the Buffalo Wallow Fight.” Vol. 25 1952 Pp. 45-69. (US Mil/Ind)

Debo, Angie. “The Social and Economic Life of Comanches.” Vol.3 1930 Pp. 38-52. (Comanche Ind)

Foreman, Grant. “In Search of the Comanches.” Vol. 7 pp. 7-41. (Comanche)

Haley, J. Evetts. “Charles Goodnight’s Indian Recollections.” Vol. 1 No. 1 1928. (Ind)

________. “The Great Comanche War Trail.” Vol. 29 1950. (Comanche)

________. “Albert Pike’s Journeys in the Prairie 1831-32.”’ Vol. 41 1968 entire issue. (Trails)

Harrison, Lowell H. “Damage Suits for Indian Depredations in the Adobe Wall Area, 1874.” Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 37-60. (US Gov/Ind)

________. “Three Comancheros and a Trader.” Vol. 38 1965 Pp. 73-94. (Comanchero/Ind/Trader)

Hill, Frank P. “Indian Raids on the South Plains.” Vol. 7 Pp. 53-69. (Ind)

Holden, William Curry. “Frontier Defense 1865-1889.” Vol. 2 1929 Pp. 43-64. (Ind/ TX Rangers)

Hughes, W. J. “Rip Ford’s Indian fight on the Canadian.” Vol. 30 1957. (Ind/Rangers)

Lackman, Howard. “The Howard-Neighbors Controversy: A Cross-Section in West Texas Indian Affairs.” Vol. 25 1952 Pp. 29-44. (Ind)

Leckie, William H. “The Red River War of 1874-1875” Vol. 29 1956 (Ind/US Mil)

McClure, C. B., editor. “The Battle of Adobe Walls.” Vol. 21 1948.

McKinley, J. W. “J. W. McKinley’s Narrative.” (Battle of Adobe Walls & Lyman’s Wagon Train fight, firsthand account?) Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 61-70. (Ind/US Mil/Buffalo hunter)

Oswald, James M. “History of Fort Elliott.” Vol. 32 1959 Pp. 1-59. (US Mil)

Perry, Kenneth. “Indian Depredations in Texas Big Bend–The Crosson Claim Case” Vol. 53 1980 Pp. 35-56. (Ind/TX)

Price, Byron. “The Great Panhandle Indian Scare of 1891.” Vol. 55 1982.

Rea, Bob, editor. “The Red River War Diary of Private John Hechner.” Vol. 71 1998. (US Mil/Ind)

Richardson, Rupert N. “The Comanche Indians at the Adobe Walls Fight.” Vol.4 1931 Pp. 24- 38 (Comanche)

Rister, C. C. “Documents Relating to General W. T. Sherman’s Southern Plains Indian Policy 1871-1875.” Vol. 9 1936 Pp. 7-27. (Ind)

________. “Documents Relating to General W. T. Sherman’s Southern Plains Indian Policy 1871-1875” Vol. 10 1937 Pp. 48-63. (Ind)

Sheffy, L. F. “The Spanish Horse on the Great Plains.” Vol. 5 1932. (Plains/Horse/Ind)

________. “Letters and Reminiscences of Gen. Theodore A. Baldwin: Scouting After Indians on the Plains of West Texas.” Vol. 11 1938 Pp. 7-30. (U.S. Mil/Ind)

Slesick, Leonard M. “Fort Bascom: A Military Outpost in Eastern New Mexico.” Vol. 56 1983. (US Mil/Ind)

Taylor, Joe F., compiled & edited. “The Indian Campaign on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875.” Vol. 34 1961. (US Mil/Ind)

________. “The Indian Campaigns on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875.” conclusion Vol. 35 1962. (US Mil/Ind)

Temple, Frank M. “Colonel Grierson in the Southwest.” Vol. 30 1957. (US Mil/Ind)

West, G. Derek “The Battle of Adobe Walls (1874).” Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 1-36. (Ind/Buffalo Hunters)

White, Lonnie J. “Kansas Newspaper Items Relating to the Red River War of 1874-1875.” Vol. 36 1963 Pp. 71-88. (Ind/US Mil)


Plains Anthropologist (E78 G73 P52)

Banks, Kimball M. and Snortland, J. Signe. “Every Picture Tells a Story: Historic Images, Tipi Camps, and Archaeology.” Vol. 40 No. 152 May 1995. (Tipi/Archaeology)

Bozell, John R. “Culture, Environment and Bison Populations on the Late Preshistoric and Early Historic Central Plains.” Vol. 40 No. 152 May 1995. (Buffalo)

Brasser, Ted J. “The Tipi as an Element in the Emergence of Historic Plains Indians Nomadism.” Vol. 27 No. 98 Part I November 1982. (Tipi/Plains Ind)

Byerly, Ryan M. and Meltzer, David J. “Historic Period Faunal Remains from Mustang Springs on the Southern High Plains of Texas.” Vol. 50 No. 194 2005. (Local/Midland)

Chisholm, Brian, Driver, Jonathan, Dube, Sylvain and Schwarcz, Henry P. “Assessment of Prehistoric Bison Foraging and Movement Patterns via Stable-Carbon-Isotopic Analysis.” Vol. 31 No. 113 August 1986. (Buffalo)

Dering, Phil. “Late Prehistoric Subsistence Economy on the Edwards Plateau.” Vol. 53 No. 205 2008. (TX Ind)

Drass, Richard R. and Flynn, Peggy. “Temporal and Geographic Variations in Subsistence Practices for Plains Villagers in the Southern Plains.” Vol. 35 No. 128 May 1990. (Ind/S. Plains)

Drass, Richard R. “Corn, Beans and Bison: Cultivated Plants and Changing Economies of the Late Prehistoric Villagers on the Plains of Oklahoma and Northwest Texas.” Vol. 53 No. 205 2008. (S. Plains/Ind)

Epp, Henry T. “Way of the Migrant Herds: Dual Dispersion Strategy Among Bison.” Vol. 33 No. 121 August 1988. (Buffalo)

Ewer, John C. “Climate, Acculturation and Costume: A History of Women’s Clothing among the Indians of the Southern Plains.” Vol. 25 No. 87. (S. Plains/Ind)

Honea, Kenneth. “The Technology of Eastern Puebloan Pottery on the Llano Estacado.” Vol. 18 No. 59 February 1973. (Ind/Llano Estacado)

Huebner, Jeffery A. “Late Prehistoric Bison Populations in Central and Southern Texas.” Vol. 36 No. 137 November 1991. (Buffalo)

Jackson, J. Brantley. “The Jared Site: A Comanche Burial at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.” Vol. 17 No. 58 November 1972. (Comanche)

Jacobsen, Brooke R. and Eighmy, Jeffrey L.“A Mathematical Theory of Horse Adoption on the Northern American Plains.” Vol. 25 No. 90 November 1980. (Horse)

Kenmotsu, Nancy A. , Perttula, Timothy K., Mercado-Allinger, Patricia, Hester, Thomas R., Bruseth, James E., Iruegas, Sergio and Tunnell, Curtis. “Medicine Mounds Ranch: The Identification of a Possible Comanche Traditional Cultural Property in the Rolling Plains of Texas.” Vol. 40 No. 153 August 1995. (Comanche)

Keyser, James D. “A Shoshonean Origin for the Plains Shield-Bearing Warrior Motif.” Vol. 20 No. 69 August 1975. (Comanche/Shoshone)

Keyser, James D. and Mitchell, Mark. “Decorated Bridles: Horse Tack in Plains Biographic Rock Art.” Vol. 46 No. 177 May 2001. (Horses)

Keyser, James D., Sundstrom, Linea and Poetschat, George. “Women in War: Gender in Plains Biographic Rock Art.” Vol. 51 No. 197 2006. (Ind Women/War/Mil)

Keyser, James D. and Kaiser, David A. “Getting the Point: Metal Weapons in Plains Rock Art.” Vol. 55 No. 214 May 2010. (Ind/Metal)

Maxwell, Joseph A. “The Evolution of Plains Indian Kin Terminologies: A Non-Reflectionist Account.” Vol. 23 No. 79 1978. (Plains Ind)

McBeth, Sally J. “Indian Boarding Schools and Ethnic Identity: An Example from the Southern Plains Tribes of Oklahoma.” Vol. 28 No. 100 May 1983. (Ind/Edu)

Monical, David G. “Changes in American Attitudes towards the Indian as Evidenced by Captive Literature.” Vol. 14 No. 44 Part1 May 1969. (Ind/Captive)

Neuman, Robert W. “North American Indian Tent Encampments: Tipi Rings, Wooden Wall Anchors and Windbreaks.” Vol. 55 No. 215 August 2010. (Plains Ind/Tipi)

Newton, Cody. “Towards a Context for Late Pre-contact Culture Change: Comanche Movement Prior to Eighteenth-Century Spanish Documentation.” Vol. 56 No. 217 2011. (Comanche)

Oetelaar, Gerald A. “Beyond Activity Areas: Structure and Symbolism in the Organization and Use of Space Inside Tipis.” Vol. 45 No. 171 February 2000. (Ind/Tipi)

Parson, Mark L. “Plains Indian Portable Art as a Key to Two Texas Historic Rock Art Sites.” Vol. 32 No. 117 August 1987. (TX Ind)

Picha, Paul. “Joseph N. Nicollet and Great Plains Ethnohistory: Interfaces among Nineteenth-Century French Science, Enlightment, and Revolution.” Vol. 54 No. 210 2009. (Plains Ind)

Schlesier, Karl H. “Rethinking the Midewiwin and the Ceremonial Called the Sun Dance.” Vol. 35 No. 127. (Sun Dance)

Shiner, Joel L. “Large Springs and Early American Indians.” Vol. 28 No. 99 February 1983. (TX Ind)

Tefft, Stanton K. “The Comanche Kinship System in Historical Perspective.” Vol. 6 No. 14 1961. (Comanche)

Thurman, Melburn D. “Nelson Lee and the Green Corn dance: Data Selection Problems with Wallace and Hoebel’s Study of the Comanches.” Vol. 27 No. 97 August 1982. (Comanche)

Turpin, Solveig. “The End of the Trail: An 1870s Plains Combat Autobiography in Southwest Texas.” Vol. 34 No. 124 Part 1 May 1989. (Comanche/Kiowa/Mil)

Walsh, William E. “A Re-examination of the Historic Indian Burial from Yellowstone Canyon, Texas.” Vol. 42 No. 160 May 1997. (Lubbock)

Wright, Gary A. “The Shoshonean Migration Problem.” Vol. 23 No. 80 1978. (Shoshone/Comanche)

Zolotarevskaja, I. A. “Some Material on the Assimilation of Okhlama Indians.” Vol. 6 No. 11 1961. (Ind/US)


Red River Valley Historical Review (PER 31 R318 R621)

Agnew, Brad. “Military Roads in Indian Territory.” Vol. 6 No. 3. (US Mil/Trails)

Almaraz, Felix D. “Aspects of Mexican Texas: A Focal Point in Southwest History.” Vol. 2 No. 3 Fall 1975. (Mex/Tex)

Austerman, Wayne R. “Ranald S. Mackenzie and Early Years on the Border.” Vol. 5 No. 4 Fall 1980. (US Mil)

Carlson, Paul H. “William R. Shafter, Black Troops, and the Finale to the Red River War.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (US Ind/Mil)

Curths, Karen. “The Routes of French and Spanish Penetration into Oklahoma.” Vol. 6 No. 3. (Trails)

Dawson, Joseph G III. “The Alpha-Omega Man: General Phil Sheridan.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (US Mil)

Flores, Dan L. “Rendezvous of Spanish Bluff: Jefferson’s Red River Exploration.” Vol. 4 No. 2 Spring 1979. (Exploration)

Harris, Charles W. “The Red River War of 1874-75: The End of an Era on the Great Plains.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (US Ind/Mil)

Kyvig, David E. “Policing the Panhandle: Fort Elliott Texas, 1875-1890.” Vol. 1 No. 3 Autumn 1974. (US Mil)

Leckie, William H. “Buell’s Campaign.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (Comanche/US Mil)

Stout, Joseph A., Jr. “Davidson’s Campaign.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (Trail)

Tate, Michael L. “Indian Scouting Detachments in the Red River War, 1874-1875.” Vol. 3 No. 2 Spring 1978. (Ind/US Mil)

Wallace, Ernest, editor. “The Journal of Ranald S. Mackenzie’s Messenger to the Kwahadi Comanches.” Vol. 3 No.2 Spring 1978. (Comanche/ US Mil)

Wilson, Gary. “Hostage Among the Comanches: The Ordeal of Jane Wilson.” Vol. 5 No. 2 Spring 1980. (Comanche/Captive)


Southwestern Historical Quarterly (F381 T341)

Baldwin, Frank, Lt & his wife, “The Red River War of 1874-1875 – Selected Correspondence.” Vol. 93 No. 4 April, 1990.

Bender, A. B. “The Texas Frontier.” Vol. 38 No. 2 October 1934 Pp. 143 & 147. Map (Talks about Comanche Trail)

Benedict, J. W. “Diary of a Campaign Against the Comanches.” Vol. 32 No. 4 April 4 Pages 300-310. (Comanche/Mil)

Biesele, B. L. “The Relations between the German Settlers and the Indians of Texas, 1844-1860.” Vol. 31 No. 2 October 1927 Pages 116-12.

Boeck, Brian J. “They Contributed very much to the Success of our Colony: A New Source to early relations between Germans and Indians at Fredericksburg, Texas” Page 81-92 Vol. 105 No. 1

Carlson, Paul H. & Tom Crum. “The ‘Battle’ at Pease River and the Question of Reliable Sources in the Recapture of Cynthia Ann Parker.” Vol. 113 No. 1 July 2009 Pages 32-53.

Carroll, Bailey H. “Nolan’s ‘Lost Nigger’ Expedition of 1877.” Vol. 44 No. 1 July 1940 Pp. 55-75.

Cruse, Brett J. “Archaeological Investigation at the Battle of Red River Site: New Perspectives on the 1874 Indian Campaign in the Texas Panhandle.” Vol. 06 No. 2 Pp. 169-194.

Daniell, Forrest. “Texas Pioneer Surveyors and Indians.” Vol. 60 No. 4 April 1957 Pp. 501-506. (Comanche)

Davidson, Wilson T., Col. “A Comanche Prisoner in 1841.” Vol. 45 No. 4 April 1942 Pp. 335-342.

Donoghue David. “Explorations of Albert Pike in Texas.” Vol. 39 No. 2 October 1935 Pp. 135-138.

Estep, Raymond. “The Military and Diplomatic Services of Alexander Le Grande for the Republic of Texas, 1936-1837.” Vol. 54 No. 2 October 1950 Pp. 169-189. (Comanche)

Field, William T. “Fort Colorado: A Texas Ranger Frontier Outpost in Travis County, Texas.” Vol. 72 No. 2 October 1968 Pp. 183-199.

Foreman, Grant. “The Texas Comanche Treaty of 1846.” Vol. 51 No. 4 Pp. 313-332.

Gelo, Daniel J. “Comanche Land and Ever Has Been: A Native Geography of the Nineteenth-Century Comancheria.” Vol. 103 No. 3 Pp. 273-208.

Gelo, Daniel J. & Zesch, Scott. “Every Day Seems to Be a Holiday: The Captivity of Blanca Babb.” Vol.107 No.1 July 2003

Haley, Evetts J. “The Comanchero Trade.” Vol. 38 No. 3 Pp. 157-176. (Trails)

Hoeriy, Karl A. “The Relationship between German Immigrants and the Native Peoples in Western Texas.” Vol.97 No.3 January 1994 Pp. 423-453.

John, Elizabeth, Editor, Translated by Adam Benanides Jr. “Inside the Comancheria, 1785: The Diary of Pedro Vial & Francisco Xavier Chaves.” Vol. 98 No. 1 Pp. 27-59. (Trail & Comanche)

Jones, Lawrence T. “Cynthia Ann Parker and Pease Ross – The Forgotten Photographs.” Vol. 93 No. 3 January 1990 Pp. 379-384.

Klos, George. “Our People Could Not Distinguish One Tribe from Another: The 1859 Explosion of the Reserve Indians from Texas.” Vol. 97 No. 4 Pp. 599-620.

Lewa Clara Koch. “The Federal Indian Policy in Texas, 1845-1860.” Vol. 28 No. 3 January 1925 Pp. 223-234 & No. 4 April 1925 Pp. 259-286.

Muckleroy, Anna. “The Indian Policy of the Republic of Texas I, II, III, IV.” Vol. 25 No.4 April 1922, Vol. 26 Nos. 1,2,3 July 1922, Oct. 1922, January 1923; I – Pp. 229-260, II – P. 29, III – Pp. 128-148, IV – Pp. 184-206.

Nelson, Al B. “Campaigning in the Big Bend of the Rio Grande in 1787.” Vol. 39 No. 3 Pp. 200-227. (Mainly Apache, only one encounter with Comanche)

Richardson, Rupert N, editor. “The Death of Nocona.” Vol. 46 No. 1 July 1942 Pp. 15-21.

Ritchie, E. B. “Report of Colonel Samuel Cooper of Inspection Trip from Fort Graham to the Indian Villages on the Upper Brazos Made June, 1851.” Vol. 42 No. 4 April 1939 Pp. 327-334. Map (Trails)

Smith, Thomas T. “Fort Inge and Texas Frontier Military Operations 1849-1869.” Vol. 96 No. 1 July 1991 Pp. 1-26.

________. “U.S. Army Combat Operations in the Indian Wars of Texas, 1849-1881.” Vol. 99 No. 4 April 1996 Pp. 501-532.

Vigness, David M. “Indian Raids on the Lower Rio Grande, 1836-1837.” Vol. 59 No. 1 July 1955 Pp. 14-23. (Indian Conflict Comanche)

Zesch, Scott. “The Two Captivities of Adolph Korn.” Vol. 104 No. 4 April 2001 Pp. 515-542.

See also Vol. 95 No.1 1991 – Entire journal is good on Comanches.


West Texas Historical Association Yearbook (F381 W53)

Alvarez, Serrano, Jose Manuel and Kuethe Allen J. “The San Saba Presidio and Spain’s Frontier Policy in North America.” Vol. 83 Pp. 7. (Apache/Comanche/Span TX)

Anderson, Adrian N. “The Last Phase of Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie’s 1834 Campaign against the Comanches.” Vol. 40 Pp. 71. (Mil)

Anderson, H. Allen Editor. “Indian Raids on the Texas Frontier: The Personal Memoir of Hugh Allen Anderson.” Vol. 51 No. 85. (Ind)

Campbell, T.N. & Fields, William T. “Identification of Comanche Raiding Trails in Trans-Pecos Texas.” Vol. 44 P.128. Map (Comanche/Trails)

Carlson, Paul H., Editor. “Jose Piedad Tafoya’s Testimony on Behalf of Charles Goodnight in 1893.” Vol. 83 P. 188. (Comancheros)

Chambers, Clint. “Fort Sill’s Emissaries to the Quahada Comanches on the Staked Plains, 1875” Vol. 72 Pp. 58-68. (Comanche/Mil)

Clayton, Lawrence & Morris Ledbetter. “John Calvin Ledbetter/S. W. Wesley: One Indian Captivity Story or Two?” Vol. 60: 83- 91. (Ind/Captive)

Cox, Mike. “Battle of the Paint Rocks: Scrapping off the Layers.” Vol. 78 P. 151. (Comanche/TX Rangers)

Crane, R. C. “The Settlements of the Indian Troubles in West Texas, 1874-1875.” Vol. 1 P. 3. (Ind)

Crimmins, M. L., Col. “Shafter’s Explorations in West Texas, 1875.” Vol. 9 P. 82. (Mil)

_____. “General Mackenzie and Fort Concho.” Vol. 10 P. 16. (Mil)

_____. “Captain Nolan’s Lost Troop on the Staked Plains.” Vol. 10 P. 68. (Ind/Mil)

_____. “Jack Hayes’ Story of Fitzhugh Lee’s Indian Fight.” Vol. 13 P. 40. (TX/ Rangers/Ind)

_____. “The Second Dragoon Indian Campaign in Texas.” Vol. 21 P. 50. (Mil)

_____. “First Sergeant John W. Spangler, Company H of Second United States Cavalry.” Vol. 26 P. 68. (Mil)

Crum, Tom. “Folklorization of the Battle on Pease River.” Vol. 72 Pp. 69-85. (Comanche/TX)

Faulk Odie B., Translator and Editor. “A Description of the Comanche Indians in 1786.” Vol. 37 P. 177. (Comanche)

Griggs, Williams C. “The Battle of Yellowhouse Canyon in 1877.” Vol. 51 P. 37. (Comanche)

Hatfield, Charles A. P. Col. “Comanche, Kiowa and Cheyenne Campaign in Northwest Texas and Mackenzie’s Fight in the Palo Duro Canyon, September 26, 1874.” Vol. 5 P. 128. (Plains Ind)

Henderson, E. W. “Buffalo Hump: A Comanche Diplomat.” Vol. 35 P. 112. (Comanche)

Hill, Frank P. “The South Plains and Our Indian History.” Vol. 12 P. 34. (TX/ Ind)

Holden, W. C. “The Buffalo of the Plains Area.” Vol. 2 P. 8. (Buffalo)

________. “Frontier Defense in Texas during the Civil War.” Vol. 4 P. 1. (TX Frontier)

________. “Frontier Defense, 1846- 1860.” Vol. 6 P. 35. (TX Frontier)

Howell, D. S. “Along the Texas Frontier during the Civil War.” Vol. 13 Pp. 82. (TX)

Howsley, Marilynne. “Forting upon the Texas Frontier during the Civil War.” Vol. 18 Pp. 47. (TX Frontier)

Marshall, Doyle. “Red haired ‘Indian’ Raiders on the Texas Frontier.” Vol. 61 Pp. 88-105. (Ind/White Raiders)

Nanny, Betsy and Lawrence. “The Indian Captivity of Anna Metzger.” Vol. 75 P. 143. (Ind. Captive)

Neighbours, Kenneth F. “Robert S. Neighbors and the Founding of Texas Indian Reservations.” Vol. 31 P. 65. (TX/Ind)

_____. “Indian Exodus out of Texas in 1859.” Vol. 36 P. 80. (TX/Ind)

_____. “Elm Creek Raid in Young County, 1864.” Vol. 40 P. 83. (TX/Ind)

_____. “The Battle of Walker’s Creek”. Vol. 41 P. 121. (TX Rangers/Ind)

Nielsen, Soren W. “Ranald S. Mackenzie: The Man and his Battles.” Vol. 64 Pp. 140-152. (Mil)

Richardson, Rupert N., Editor. “Documents Relating to West Texas and Her Indian Troubles.” Vol. 1 Pp. 30. (Ind)

_____. “Elderidge’s Report on His Expedition to the Comanches.” Vol. 4 Pp. 14. (Comanche)

Rister, C. C., editor. “Early Accounts of Indian Depredation.” Vol. 2 Pp. 18. (Ind)

Smith, David P. “Frontier Defense and the Cooke County Raid, 1863.” Vol. 64 Pp. 30-49. (Ind/ TX)

Smith, Ralph A. “The Comanche Invasion of Mexico in the Fall of 1845.” Vol. 35 P. 3. (Comanche)

_____. “The Comanche Sun Over Mexico.” Vol. 46 P. 25. (Comanche)

Sullivan, Jerry M., Editor. “Lieutenant Colonel William R. Shafter’s Pecos River Expedition of 1870.” Vol. 47 P. 146. (Mil)

Vance, Randy. “Battle of Sweetwater Creek.” Vol. 79 P. 119. (Mil/Kiowa)

Wagstaff, R. M. “Impact of the Indian Treaties of the Little Arkansas (1865) and Medicine Lodge (1867) on Northwest Texas.” Vol. 48 P. 96. Map (Ind/ Treaties)

Wallace, Ernest. “Some Explanatory Origins in Comanche Folklore.” Vol. 23 P. 62. (Comanche)

_____. “The Comanches on the White Man’s Road.” Vol. 29 P. 3. (Comanche)

_____, editor. “David G. Burnet’s Letters Describing the Comanche Indians.” Vol. 30 P. 115. (Comanches)

_____. “Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie’s Expedition across the South Plains.” Vol. 38 P. 3. (Mil)

_____. “The Historic Indians of the Llano Estacado.” Vol. 58 Pp. 3-18. (Ind)


Western Historical Quarterly (F591 W464)

Calloway, Colin G. “Neither White nor Red: Renegades on the American Indian Frontier.” Vol. 17 No. 1 1986. (Ind/White)

Chaput, Donald. “Generals, Indians, Agents, Politicians: The Doolittle Survey of 1865.” Vol. 3 No. 3 1972 (U.S./Ind)

Ellis, Clyde. “‘We Don’t Want Your Rations, We Want this Dance’: The Changing Use of Song and Dance on the Southern Plains.” Vol. 30, No. 2 1999. (S. Plains Ind/Comanche/Kiowa)

Hämäläinen, Pekka. “The Western Comanche Trade Center: Rethinking the Plains Indian Trade System.” Vol. 29 No. 4 1998.

Illick, Joseph E. “Some of Our Best Indians Are Friends.” Vol. 2 No. 3 1971. (Quakers/Grant Peace Policy/Ind Agent)

Iverson, Peter. “Building Toward Self-Determination: Plains and Southwestern Indians in the 1940s and 1950s.” Vol. 16 No. 2 (1985). (Ind/SW)

Kinnaird, Lawrence. “Spanish Treaties with Indian Tribes.” Vol. 10 No. 1 1979. (Span/Ind)

Philip, Kenneth R. “Termination: A Legacy of the Indian New Deal.” Vol. 14 No. 2 1983. (Ind)

Powers, Ramon and Leiker, James N. “Cholera among the Plains Indians: Perceptions, Causes, Consequences.” Vol. 29 No. 3 1998. (Ind/ Disease/Comanche/Kiowa/ Cheyenne/Others)

Unrau, William E. “The Civilian as Indian Agent: Villain or Victim?” Vol. 3 No. 4 1972. (US/Ind Agent)

Weber, David J. “Mexico’s Far Northern Frontiers, 1821-1854: Histography Askew.” Vol. 7 No. 3 1976. (Mex/Apache/Comanche Pp. 281)

Wunder, John R. “‘That No Thorn Will Pierce Our Friendship’: The Ute-Comanche Treaty of 1786.” (Ute/Comanche)


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