Texas Tech University Archives
Below are various historical tidbits pertaining to the
construction, renovation and maintenance of Texas Tech buildings and structures. The entries are arranged
chronologically, and are not inclusive but rather main highlights.
All buildings are listed
alphabetically by first name. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
Campus Buildings & Structures - A
Administration Building
- Plan approved, bids to called for (BOR meeting minutes, 3-28-24)
- Plans approved and bids tabulated (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Ramey Brothers to be contractors (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Heating contract to Korioth Plumbing & Heating Co. (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Plumbing contract with L. Holt (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Wiring contract with Schroder Electric Co. (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Contract with Ramey Brothers for construction (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Lueder stone to be used for exterior stone work (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Location to be selected (BOR meeting minutes, 6-28-24)
- Contract awarded for face brick (BOR meeting minutes, 6-28-24)
- Independent Electric Co. given electrical contract (BOR meeting minutes, 7-29-24)
- Two rooms in R. I. Wilson Building to be used until the Administration Building is
available (BOR meeting minutes, 8-27-24)
- Plaques (BOR meeting minutes, 8-27-24)
- Inscriptions (BOR meeting minutes, 8-27-24)
- Laying of cornerstone (BOR meeting minutes, 8-27-24)
- Names to go on cornerstone (BOR meeting minutes, 8-30-24)
- Governor Neff to be speaker at laying of cornerstone (BOR meeting minutes, 8-30-24)
- Meeting regarding the laying of the cornerstone (BOR meeting minutes, 10-2-24)
- Invitations to cornerstone laying (BOR meeting minutes, 10-2-24)
- The laying of the cornerstone took place on November 11, 1924, before a crowd of 20,000
people. Governor Pat Neff, standing on a cotton bale, addressed the crowd. Other speakers included Amon G. Carter,
Reverend E. E. Robinson, Colonel E. O. Thompson, and Representative R. M. Chitwood.
- Names to be inscribed in rear court (BOR meeting minutes, 1-6-25)
- Placed in the corner stone was a time capsule containing such items as the bylaws
and member roster of the local Masonic Lodge, various newspapers, a certified copy of the Senate Bill which
established the college, and a list of the Texas Tech Board of Directors.
- On the north side of the building is an inscription of a King Solomon
quotation- "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
- On the north side are the words "agriculture, science, manufacturing,
democracy, homemaking, art and literature," which describe the endeavors of the college.
- On the archway of the north side are the words "patriotism, religion,
industry, virtue, wealth, enlightenment, and citizenship," which represent the goals students should
strive towards.
- On the archway on the south side are the names of 15 people who were thought
to embody the ideals of the school officials. The names include Benjamin Franklin, Luther Burbank, St. Paul,
Pestalozzi, Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Shakespeare, Hippocrates, Beethoven, and Michaelangelo.
- The Gallery of Heroes, located on the second floor of the north side,
depict images of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Woodrow Wilson,
James Hogg, Albert Sidney Johnston, Davy Crockett, Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston.
- Matter of electric light fixtures (BOR meeting minutes, 1-6-25)
- Extra approved for chemical laboratory (BOR meeting minutes, 4-14-25)
- Delay in completion (BOR meeting minutes, 4-14-25)
- Room could be made in basement for bookstore (BOR meeting minutes, 7-20-25)
- To secure legal advice on delay in completion of building (BOR meeting minutes, 7-20-25)
- Matter of electric light fixtures (BOR meeting minutes, 7-20-25)
- Building ready for acceptance (BOR meeting minutes, 7-20-25)
- Building to be completed by (BOR meeting minutes, 8-15-25)
- Building tentatively accepted (BOR meeting minutes, 8-15-25)
- Two sump drains (BOR meeting minutes, 8-15-25)
- Lincoln medallion (BOR meeting minutes, 8-15-25)
- Preliminary drawings for completion (BOR meeting minutes, 2-24-26)
- Electric wiring estimate of Independent Electric Co. (BOR meeting minutes, 1-28-27)
- Legislative representatives to ask that one wing of building be included in
recommendations (BOR meeting minutes, 4-18-27)
- Storm doors needed at entrances of the two wings (BOR meeting minutes, 1-28-30)
- Approve two additional wings be added (BOR meeting minutes, 5/9-5/10/49)
- Contract with Wyatt C. Hedrick concerning two additional wings
(BOR meeting minutes, 5/30/49)
- Approved revisions to two wings at an additional cost of $1,770
(BOR meeting minutes, 10/15/49)
- Additions to the Administration Building, #3072 (BOR meeting minutes, 8-12-50)
- Approve construction contract with Hedrick concerning additions
(BOR meeting minutes, 6/11/49)
- Awarded contract for additions with W. G. McMillan (BOR meeting minutes, 9/24/49)
- Changed architect's plan to include full basements in each wing
(BOR meeting minutes, 9/24/49)
- Approve contract for expansion of basement (BOR meeting minutes, #723 12-14-57)
- In 1975, the ornamental spire on the west tower was replaced after being hit by
Agricultural Building
- Sketches to be prepared (BOR meeting minutes, 6-27-24)
- Contract let for building (BOR meeting minutes, 8-8-27)
- Building ready for acceptance (BOR meeting minutes, 10-28-27)
- Building accepted with reservation (BOR meeting minutes, 10-28-27)
- Radiation in building (BOR meeting minutes, 1-24-28)
- Temporary building to be constructed (BOR meeting minutes, 6-8-36)
- Recommendations to Legislature for appropriation for building
(BOR meeting minutes, 8-25-38)
- Appropriation for a shack building (BOR meeting minutes, 7-22-39)
- W. C. Hedrick selected as architect on Agricultural Building, 6-2-41)
- Bids opened and tabulated (BOR meeting minutes, 10-4-41)
- Contract awared to Ingle & Sikes of Lubbock (BOR meeting minutes, 10-4-41)
- Authorized issuance of $60,000 bonds, proceeds from
sale to erect Dairy Manufacturing wing (BOR meeting minutes, 11-15-41)
- Proceeds with negotiations with finance companies
regarding sale of $60,000 bonds (BOR meeting minutes, 11-15-41)
- Auditorium to be named "Aggie Memorial Auditorium,"
(BOR meeting minutes, 5-1-46)
- Appropriation to match amount collected by Aggie Club
to buy seats for Aggie Auditorium (BOR meeting minutes, 1-16-47)
- Appropriation for remodeling in the old Ag. Building (BOR meeting minutes,
9-27-47 #16)
- Remodeling of old Ag. Building for Speech Department (BOR meeting minutes,
Agricultural Machinery Building
- Low bids not to exceed $1000 to be accepted for building
(BOR meeting minutes, 11-9-34)
Agricultural Plant Sciences Building
- Campus Planning Committee recommended project be approved, preliminary plans and
specifications, and location and architects (BOR meeting minutes, #1952(1-4), 6-1-59)
- Board approved recommendations of Campus Planning Committee
(BOR meeting minutes, #1953, 6-1-59)
- Preliminary plans approved (BOR meeting minutes, #397, 10-10-59)
- Final plans approved (BOR meeting minutes, #738, 12-12-59)
- Location approved (BOR meeting minutes, #775, 12-12-59)
- Contract awarded to W. B. Abbott and Company, Inc.
(BOR meeting minutes, #1101, 2-13-60)
- Plans for Millwork (BOR meeting minutes, #1625, 4-9-60)
- Relocation of millhouse (BOR meeting minutes, #1626, 4-9-60)
- Relocation of scales and storage bins (BOR meeting minutes, #1628, 4-9-60)
- October 21, 1961 - the building dedication was held in the lobby and included
a tour and exhibits. The $380,000 building was 26,725 square feet. (Public Information press release, 10-18-61)
Agronomy and Domestic Science Building
- Proceed with specifications and secure bids (BOR meeting minutes, 8-27-24)
- Domestic science building to face East (BOR meeting minutes, 8-27-24)
Amon G. Carter Plaza
- The construction of a fountain to the newly named Amon G. Carter Plaza at the Broadway
entrance was approved by the Board of Regents. The funding for this marker shared by the Saddle Tramps, who raised $11,500,
and the university, which picked up the remainder of the $32,600.
- Original plans for the 75 foot fountain with of seven 30 foot water sprays that would
surround and enhance the Tech Seal. (Information Services, 15-10-18-66)
Animal Husbandry
- Appropriate funds to build barn for Animal Husbandry
Department (BOR meeting minutes, 11-9-34)
- Need for meats building (BOR meeting minutes, 9-26-36)
- Appropriation made for small building to be used for
class work in bee culture (BOR meeting minutes, 9-26-36)
- Addition to Meats Laboratory (BOR meeting minutes, 2-14-47)
- Contract for Beef Cattle Barn (BOR meeting minutes, 8-14-48)
Apartment Dormitory Housing Project
- Married veterans presented housing project (BOR meeting minutes, 8-10-46)
- Committee met on 8-15-46, to send delegation to Austin regarding housing
for veterans (BOR meeting minutes, 8-10-46)
- Report regarding erection of apartment units for married veterans
(BOR meeting minutes, 8-31-46)
- Application to be made to Federal Works Agency for funds to building apartment
dormitory (BOR meeting minutes, 8-31-46)
- Definite action on apartment dormitory housing project deferred
(BOR meeting minutes, 10-19-46)
- Discussion of problem, deferred until next meeting
(BOR meeting minutes, 4-12-47)
Army Reserve Training Center
[originally referred to as "the Armory"]
- Referred to Local Affairs Committee (BOR meeting minutes, 1-24-28)
- Appropriations for an armory (BOR meeting minutes, 1-22-29 #14)
- Proposition of building an Armory present to Board of
Directors (BOR meeting minutes, p. 3 from 1-28-30)
- State to rent buildings for National Guard units (BOR meeting minutes, 10-25-30 #6)
- Question of quarters for National Guard (BOR meeting minutes, 6-8-31 #13)
- Armory Building erected by private funds (BOR meeting minutes, 10-13-31 #5(c))
- Location of armories for Navy and Army for civil aeronautics station
(BOR meeting minutes, 4-12-47)
- George E. Benson was appointed to represent the Board of Directors at
the February 22, 1956, ground breaking ceremony for the Army Reserve Training Center, which was located
at the northwest corner of the City Auditorium-Coliseum. The land was leased to the
Texas National Guard Armory Board. (BOR meeting minutes, 2-11-56 #736
Architecture and Art Facilities
- November 5, 1968 - the general construction contract for
$4,260,718 was awarded to H. A. Lott, Inc. for two buildings - the architecture building would be 12 stories tall
with a "U" shaped, three story tall art building adjacent to it on the east side.
Assembly Hall
- Question of insurance on Assembly Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 1-28-27)
- Final payment on construction of same (BOR meeting minutes, 1-28-27)
- Installation of steam radiation (BOR meeting minutes, 4-18-27)
Athletic Field
- Investigate purchasing a scoreboard (BOR meeting minutes, 5-8-48)
- Gift funds from the Class of 1943 were later used to
help purchase a scoreboard for the athletic field (BOR meeting minutes, 8/14/48)
Campus Buildings & Structures - B
- The groundbreaking was held on June 29, 1967 at 10:30 a.m.
Bledsoe/Gordon Hall [Residence Hall]
- Built in 1948, the dormitory cost an estimated $1,786,163 to build.
- Men's Dormitory No. 3 was renamed William H. Bledsoe Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 2-9-52).
Boarding Houses
- List of boarding houses for students (BOR meeting minutes, 2-4-26)
- Person employed to inspect houses and seek employment for students
(BOR meeting minutes, 4-12-26)
- Regulations for boarding houses set up (BOR meeting minutes, 4-12-26)
Bonfire Pit
- Approve insignia for one panel of bonfire pit (BOR meeting minutes, 9-28-57 #371)
- Approve "Red Raider on the Horse" for use in bonfire
(BOR meeting minutes, 9-28-57 #371)
- Idea of maintaining a general store for students (BOR meeting minutes, 10-31-23)
- Room could be made in the basement of the Administration Building for bookstore
(BOR meeting minutes, 7-20-25)
- Bookstore profits to be used to equip the Cafeteria Building for use of
bookstore (BOR meeting minutes, 5-26-30 p. 8)
- Bookstore operated on successful basis (BOR meeting minutes, 1-27-31 #9)
- Insurance on building (BOR meeting minutes, 12-6-40)
- Contract for addition to bookstore, 2-14-48
- Built in 1955, the Building Committee recommended proceeding with plans to
enlarge the bookstore by approximately 8,000 square feet at an estimated cost of $100,000
(BOR meeting minutes, BOR 2/11/56 #733)
- Contract for architectural services concerning the bookstore
(BOR meeting minutes, 5-28-56 #1296)
- Approve contract for remodeling interior of bookstore
(BOR meeting minutes, 12-14-57 #728)
- Approve contract for remodeling interior of
bookstore (BOR meeting minutes, 12-14-57 #728)
- Approve plans for remodeling interior of bookstore
(BOR meeting minutes, 2-15-58 #1045)
- Approve purchase of barracks building (BOR meeting minutes, 2-15-58 #1046)
Business Administration
- Prior to 1966, the old horse barns and corrals once inhabited the site
of what later became the Business Administration building. (Information Services, 3-12-13-66)
- Dedication ceremonies for the new $4.5 million BA facility,
located at 15th and Flint, was held on October 6, 1969, in the auditorium. A symposium and open house event
were also held as part of the building dedication.
- The new, state of the art Rawls College of Business Building officially
opened for classes in January, 2012.
Campus Buildings & Structures - C
- Need for cafeteria, 1-6-25
- Plans to be prepared for Cafeteria, 4-14-25
- Plans and specifications to be prepared, 5-8-25
- Cafeteria to be in part of the Home Economics Building, 6-26-25
- Contract let to lowest bidders, 7-20-25
- Feeder installed, 7-20-25
- Dished etc. selected, 7-20-25
- Withholding payment to Ramey Brothers, 10-27-25
- Expenses of cafeteria, 2-4-26
- Cafeteria closed may 1, 1926, 4-12-26
- Remodeling of cafeteria, 10-30-26
- Market prices to be followed, 1-22-29
- To be discontinued, 1-28-20 p. 2
- Social Center to be made into Inst. Mgt. Lab. and Cafeteria, 5-1-46
- Authorized operation of Cafeteria through June, 4-12-47
- Operation of cafeteria for next year to be considered, 6-2-47
- Contract for operation of cafeteria, 7-26-47
Carpenter/Wells Halls [Residence Hall]
- Built in 1959, the dormitory cost an estimated $2,604,351 to build.
Casa Linda [originally referred to as
the "Cooperative Dormitories"]
- Gifts in connection with building of cottages without cost to College
(BOR meeting minutes, 6-8-36)
- Application of $14,999 on erection of cottages for
housing students on campus (BOR meeting minutes, 7-14-37)
- O. R. Walker chosen as architect for work of cottage
(BOR meeting minutes, 7-14-37)
- Matters pertaining thereto left of Building
Committee (BOR meeting minutes, 7-14-37)
- Location of cooperative dormitory left of Building
Committee (BOR meeting minutes, 9-4-37)
- Cooperative dormitory named "Casa Linda,"
(BOR meeting minutes, 8-25-38)
- To encourage erection of cooperative dormitories on
campus (BOR meeting minutes, 5-29-39)
Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Reactor Building
- Approved employment of Associated Architects and Engineers
(BOR meeting minutes, 2-14-59 #1025)
- Review laboratory space allocated (BOR meeting minutes, 4-11-59 #1421)
- Board authorized preparation of final plans and
specifications, (BOR meeting minutes, 6-1-59 #1954)
- Preparation of "Hazards Summary Report," (BOR meeting minutes, 10-10-59 #212)
- Plans approved for Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Reactor Building
(BOR meeting minutes, 11-13-59 #521)
- Restudy of Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Reactor Building
(BOR meeting minutes, 2-13-60 #1101A)
- Nuclear Reactor building to be delayed (BOR meeting minutes, 5-30-60 #2227)
- Bids for Chemical Engineering and Nuclear Reactor Building
(BOR meeting minutes, 4-9-60 #1629)
Chemistry Building
- Plans approved for building (BOR meeting minutes, 1-24-28)
- Contract to be let if bid within appropriation (BOR meeting minutes, 1-24-28)
- Contacts let (BOR meeting minutes, 5-28-28)
- College to occupy portions of building, 10-23-28
- Basement to be plastered (BOR meeting minutes, 1-22-29)
- Construction on the Chemistry Building began in 1929.
- Settlement with D. N. Leaverton (BOR meeting minutes, 4-16-29)
- Groundbreaking ceremonies for the $5.5 million addition to the chemistry
building were held on October 25, 1968. The new structure comprised of 125,600 square feet and included an auditorium
that seated 300.
Cheri Casa [Residence Hall]
- Cheri Casa, a men's boarding house that served as a residence hall for male Texas Tech
students prior to the construction on campus student housing, officially opened in
1926 with a Spanish-themed party, replete with music by Chuck Collins and his Cheri-Casans.
- The building was a Spanish style white stucco structure located at
2406-2408 Main Street. It boasted having large rooms, hot and cold water, a roof garden and adjacent barber
and tailor shops and drug store.
- 1925-1926 programs and invitations for events at the Cheri Casa Home for Boys
and the Quick Dormitory Home for Boys, located at 9th Street and Avenue X, have been digitized from the
Cole Scrapbook and can be viewed
Chitwood/Coleman/Weymouth Hall [Residence Hall]
- Built in 1967, the dormitory cost an estimated $18,000,000 to build.
Civil Engineering
- Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on October 8, 1969, for the
new $990,000 laboratory addition, located just east of the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building.
Classroom and Office Building [old English
- Authorization to proceed with schematic plans, (BOR meeting minutes, #1395,
- Review of schematic plans (BOR meeting minutes, 4-29-58 #1576)
- Approval of schematic plans (BOR meeting minutes, #1587, 4-29-58
- Approve contract with Butler-Kimmel Co. (BOR meeting minutes, 7-8-58 #2147)
- Approve preliminary plans (BOR meeting minutes, #2149, 7-8-58
- Contract awarded to S. R. Duncan Construction Co. (BOR meeting minutes, 11-21-58
- Approved contract for construction of New Classroom and Office Building,
(BOR meeting minutes, 2-14-59 #766)
- Approved a change in the specifications for the
Classroom and Office Building (BOR meeting minutes, 3-24-59 #1181)
- Acceptance date of new Classroom and Office Building (BOR meeting minutes, 2-13-60
Clement Hall [Residence Hall]
- Officially opened on September 14, 1963 and initially referred to
as "Dorm Six".
- Warren P. Clement, emeritus registrar for Texas Technological College, acknowledged his
gratitude for Clement Hall being officially named after him in 1964. (BOR meeting minutes, 12-12-64)
College Farm
- Repair two farm houses for $500 (BOR meeting minutes, 4-12-35)
- Farm Residence, 4th and Quaker, given to Mr. Herbert H. Hall for salvage
(BOR meeting minutes, 10-21-60 #569)
- Student Housing on the farm approved, with brick veneer
(BOR meeting minutes, 2-11-61 #1521)
College Inn
- The College Inn was a women's boardinghouse.
Architecture Building
- Approved recommendations that schematics be approved,
#1422(1), 4-11-59
- Board approved preliminary plans and specifications
for building, #1955(1-2), 6-1-59
- Approved incorporating report by Dr. R. C. Goodwin,
#2690, 8-22-59
- Approved plans for Computer-Architecture Building,
#62, 9-5-59
- Groundbreaking ceremonies for Computer-Architecture
Building, #523, 11-13-59
- Final plans for Computer-Architecture Building, #62,
Buildings & Structures- D
Dairy Barn
- Sketches to be prepared, 6-27-24
- Plans to be prepared for Dairy Barn, 4-14-25
- Plans to be prepared for Dairy Barn, 5-8-25
- Letter to architects from Stangel & Leidigh regarding
plans for the Dairy Barn, 6-26-25
- Recommendations approved, 6-26-25
- Contracts let for Dairy Barn, 7-20-25
- Location to be selected, 7-20-25
- Additional expense for plastering, 8-15-25
- Fire in Dairy Barn did $10,000 damage, 1-28-30 p. 3
- Appropriation of $4500 for constructing refrigeration
unit at barn, 10-19-33
Dairy and
Poultry Facilities
- Preliminary plans for Dairy facilities, #2238,
- Specifications for Dairy facilities, #2980, 8-20-60
- Final plans for Dairy facilities, #2981, 8-20-60
- Approved plans and specifications for Dairy
Facilities (Milking Parlor), #1519, 2-11-61
- Rejected all bids for Poultry Facilities, #1520,
Industry Creamery Building
- Addition authorized, #1515, 2-11-61
- Final bid accepted October 3, 1961 (Milk Receiving
Facilities) from contractor W. B. Abbott #796, 11-3-61
Manufactures Building
- Submit application for $80,000 to proper authorities
in Washington, 4-12-35
- W. C. Hedrick to be architect, 6-4-35
- Resolution authorizing TTC to file for application
for loan and grant, 6-4-35
- Application to reduce application for building,
- Authorized issuance of bonds of $60,000 to erect
Dairy Manufacturing wing to the Agricultural Building, 11-15-41
- Negotiations with finance companies to secure funds
under bond issue, 11-15-41
- Board action regarding 45 day option given Board by
contractors, 11-15-41
- Remodeling of old Dairy Manufacturing Building for
Extension Department, 2-14-48
Doak Hall (Residence Hall)
- Built in 1934, the dormitory cost an estimated $313,168 to build.
- Women's Dormitory No. 1 was renamed Mary W. Doak Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 2-9-52).
- In 2002, Doak was changed from an upper-classman and graduate co-ed dormitory
to an all male residence.
Double T Bench
Dormitories (See also under each of the dorm names,
such as Weeks Hall]
- Suggestions regarding building of dormitories, 9-6-23
- Sketches approved for first unit of Women's
Dormitories, 6-27-24
- Girl's Dormitory to be omitted from building program,
- Plans accepted for girl's dormitory but placed in
custody of president, 8-27-24
- Correspondence regarding help in construction of
dormitory to help in work of the Home Economics Department, 10-28-24
- Propositions from owners of the Easter and Gillen
Dormitories, 2-4-26
- Easter Dormitory, 10-30-26
- Dormitory problem, 1-22-29 #10
- Erection of dormitories, 4-16-29
- Letter regarding financing of dorms, 10-25-30 #19
- Communication from Dean of Women regarding living
places for girls, 6-8-31 #11
- Question of erecting dorms, 11-11-32; raised but
deferred, 1-24-33; 6-5-33 #11c
- Plans for building dorms, 9-2-33
- Board approved filing application for a loan to build
two dorms, 10-19-33
- Report on approval of loan and grant of $650,000,
- Building Committee to secure opinion on validity of
bonds to be issued, 12-9-33
- Wyatt C. Hedrick, Inc., selected architect for dorms,
- Approval of location of dorms, 12-9-33
- Bids for two dorms opened, 1-19-34
- Use as many students in connection with erection of
dorms, 1-19-34
- Final location of girls dormitory selected, 10-19-34
- Resolution accepting offer from the Public Works
Administration for loan for Boy's Dorm, 7-16-38
- Probable housing shortage at opening of term, 4-14-25
- First men's dormitory erected to be "J. M. West Hall"
and the second to be "Joe T. Sneed," 11-15-41
- Girl's dormitory No. 2 to be named "Florence A. Drane
Hall," 8-31-46
- Approved housing of college athletes in Men's
Dormitory No. 1, 5/9-5/10/49
- To appoint a committee to study the naming of the
unnamed dormitories on campus, 12-10-49 #361
- Intermediate and Long-range housing plans, convert 1
men's dormitory for women; housing for athletes 10-21-60
- Rename residence halls. Residence Hall #5 to be
named Thompson Hall for Charles C. Thompson; Residence Hall #6 to be
named Gaston Hall for William Thomas Gaston; Residence Hall #7 to be
named Wells Hall for Spencer A. Wells; Residence Hall #8 to be named
Carpenter Hall for John W. Carpenter; #641, 10-21-60
- One of the Men's Residence Halls was approved for use
as a Women's Residence Hall for the school year 1961-1962, #944,
- Letter of appreciation regarding the naming of
Carpenter Hall, Attachment 20, 12-10-60
- West Hall designated as a women's dormitory for the
1961-1962 school year, #1503, 2-11-61
- Athletes dispersed in Sneed, Gordon and Bledsoe Halls
for 1961-62, #1503A, 2-11-61
- Preliminary plans ordered for a new women's
dormitory, #1510, 2-11-61
- New women's dormitory contract awarded to H. A. Lott,
Inc., Houston, Texas, #798-802, 11-3-61
Double T Bench
- Erected by Senior Class of 1931, 6-8-31 #16
Double T Club
- Permission to erect a club house, location to be approved by president
(BOR meeting minutes, 1-19-27)
Double T Sign (aka "The Big T")
- The senior class of 1938 donated a electric neon Double T sign which
was placed in Memorial Circle until its move to Jones Stadium. [The Tex Talks article in July 1950
claims the Double T was actually located in the area where the Science Building was built and not
in Memorial Circle).
- In 1950, the Big T was moved from its traditional spot between the Library and
Chemistry buildings to east of Jones Stadium. It was moved to make room for the new science building. (Tex
Talks July, 1950)
Drane Hall (Residence Hall)
- Built in 1938, the dormitory cost an estimated $371,428 to build.
- Women's Dormitory No. 2 was renamed F. N. Drane Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 8-31-46).
- In 1952, Drane became a men's dormitory. (Texas Techsan March, 1950)
- For the 1954-55 school year, Drane Hall was approved for use by female students.
(BOR 4/12/54 item #1218)
Campus Buildings & Structures- E
Engineering Building
- Sketches approved, 6-27-24
- Recommendations to include an engineering building,
- Plans for Engineering Building, 8-8-27
- Contracts let for building, 10-28-27
- Engineering Building under way, 10-28-27
- Glass used for windows, 10-28-27
- Stone for Salle Porte roof, 10-28-27
- Extras authorized for building, 10-28-27
- Engineering Building accepted, 10-23-28
- Survey of Engineering Building basement regarding
ventilating system for classroom, 12-4-35
- Expenditure for sidewalks, 2-14-47
Approve two
additional wings be added, 5/9-5/10/49
The Building
Committee recommends plans for a new Engineering Building to be
constructed east and across the driveway from the present building,
architects plans and directed construction bids be advertised, as well
as directed $63,000 of original appropriations for construction of new
building be earmarked for alterations to the present building, 12-10-49
Extension Division
- Remodeling of old Dairy Manufacturing Building for Extension Division, 2-14-48
Campus Buildings & Structures- F
Faculty Club
- Faculty Club to move into Recreation Hall, #1635,
- Contract for moving of Faculty Club building, #2241,
Farm Residences and Facilities
- Ratify action of Building Committee in sale of 2
buildings, #2994, 8-23-58
- Approve purchase and erection of house, #2995 and
#2996, 8-23-58
- Approved the relocation of the farm facilities, #611,
- New student housing near new farm facilities, #1644,
- Farm Residence, 4th and Quaker, given to Mr. Herbert
H. Hall for salvage, #569, 10-21-60
Federal Credit Union (later called the Texas Tech Federal Credit Union)
- Discussion of the desirability of establishing a
Credit Union on campus and permission granted, #1015, 2-14-59
Football Field
- Changing location of field referred to committee,
- Relocation of field approved, 2-4-26
Fraternities and Sororities
- Willingness to sell 10 acres of land, #178, 12-14-57
- Agreement by Fraternities and Sororities to purchase
land, #2153, 7-8-58
- Report that the City Commission passed the ordinance
to change the zoning of the Turner Tract, #1013, 2-14-59
- Authorized Administration offices of the College to
sell 10 acres of land, #1014, 2-14-59
- President Jones reported that House Bill No. 747 was
introduced, #1317, 3-24-59
- Report that the sale of the Turner Tract was closed
May 6, 1959, #1949, 6-1-59
Campus Buildings & Structures- G
Gates Hall
- Opened in 1963, Gates Hall was named after W. B. Gates, former Dean of the Graduate School.
It was one of the first air conditioned dorms on the Texas Tech campus.
- Dr. W. B. Gates and Dr. Eunice J. Gates (Mrs. W. B.) acknowledged their
gratitude for Gates Hall being officially named after them in 1964. (BOR meeting minutes 12-12-64)
Golf Course
- Faculty to establish a golf course on approval of W. L. Stangel (BOR meeting minutes, 2-24-32)
- Golf course to be laid out by N.Y.A. (BOR meeting minutes, 1-28-36)
Gordon Hall [Residence Hall]
- Built in 1948, the dormitory cost an estimated $1,786,163 to build.
- Men's Dormitory No. 4 was renamed James Marcus Gordon Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 2-9-52).
- Plans referred to Building Committee (BOR meeting minutes, 8-8-27)
- Construction of Greenhouse started (BOR meeting minutes, 10-28-27)
- The buildings was officially designated as completed on August 31, 1951, at an
estimated cost of $8,366,94. The contractors were Lord and Burnham Construction Corporation, Irvington-on-Hudson,
New York City, New York. However, TTC completed construction of the lighting. (BOR meeting minutes, 8/11/51 item # 1365)
Gymnasium [see also
Swimming Pool, Gymnasium & Auditorium]
- Construction, 10-30-26
- Payment for work done on Gymnasium, 12-4-26
- The first game in the "new gym" was in 1927 against
Wayland Baptist College. Tech won 30-16 against its rival. Later, the Harlem Globetrotters and many Golden Gloves
tournaments were held in the gym. ("Old Gym Held Tech History," Texas Techsan, July/August 1984)
- Use of gym for community purposes, 6-5-33 #10c
- New doors to be added, 6-5-33
- Plans for gymnasium, 9-2-33
- Application to the Public Works Administration for
loan to construct gym-auditorium-swimming pool, 6-4-35
- Overview of the contracts for the Gymnasium and
Natatorium, #1018, 4-18-56
- Designate Old Gymnasium as Women's Gymnasium, #1264, 4-12-58
- Approved the employment of Brasher, Spencer and
Goyette, Architects and Engineers, #384, 3-24-59
- Approved plans and site for Women's Gymnasium, #1434, 4-11-59
- Plans approved for Women's Gymnasium, #403, 10-10-59
- Modification in plans approved for New Women's Gym, #528, 11-13-59
- Inclusion of basement in New Women's Gymnasium, #746, 12-12-59
- Change of canopy at entrance of Women's Gym, #1653,
- Approved the preparation of schematic plans for a Gymnasium for Men of
approximately 65,000 square feet, plus a full size swimming pool and a Gymnasium for women of approximately 20,000 square
feet. (BOR 8/21/54 item # 1961)
- The original Gymnasium, constructed in 1926, by J. B. Maxey from a design by
Wyatt C. Hedrick, was condemned in 1982. As the Legislature was reluctant to pay for a gym in 1926, Tech asked for a
barn which could also serve as a gym. The gym was thus nicknamed "The Barn" and athletes and livestock
shared the space. The 11,700 foot building held up to 2,000 spectators. ("Old Gym Held Tech History,"
Texas Techsan, July/August 1984)
Campus Buildings & Structures- H
Kent R. Hance Chapel
- Privately funded, the chapel, which can seat approximately 250 guests, cost more
than $3.5 million to complete and was named after the chancellor for TTU. It is located off 17th street and University,
by the McKenzie-Merket Alumni Center. The project was approved by the Board of Regents in February 2011, construction
began in May 2011, and completed on June 2012.
- The first wedding held in the chapel was of Beth Cochran and Daniel Moser on May 26, 2012.
Holden Hall
Holden Hall oral history interview (1972) - dedication ceremony
Carol Collier oral history interview (undated)- Peter Hurd mural
- The old Museum Building was renamed Holden Hall by the Board of Regents on February 11, 1972
to honor Tech professor William Curry Holden. This was notable in that it was the first time that any building on the
Tech campus, other than a dormitory, was named after an individual.
- The Recognition Garden, located north of Holden Hall, was dedicated in September of 1987
by William Curry Holden, honorary chairman of the Recognition Garden and faculty emeritus. Prior to that, beginning in
July of 1987, the idea of a time capsule project was organized and contributions were accepted until the capsule's closing
[and burial] ceremony on December 1, 1988. A granite marker serves as the identifier for the time capsule, which is scheduled
to be opened in 2023 as the 50th anniversary of the Arts and Sciences Recognition Garden.
Home Management House (also called the Practice House or
General Practice House)
- Contracts let for building, 8-8-27
- To be ready soon, 10-28-27
- Authorized an extra, 10-28-27
- Radiation in house, 1-24-28
Home Economics Building
- Contracts let to lowest bidders, date set for
completion, 10-28-24
- Correspondence regarding help in construction of
dormitory to help in work of the Home Economics Department, 10-28-24
- Lueders stone to be used, 11-11-24
- New contract for plumbing let, 11-11-24
- Progress being made, 6-26-25
- Building to be accepted when completed, 7-20-25
- Matter of electric light fixtures, 7-20-25
- Partition to be removed, 8-8-27
- appropriation to build annex, 1-26-35
- Recommendations to Legislature for an appropriation
for the Home Economics Building, 8-25-38
- Appropriation to build shack building for Home
Economics, 7-22-39
be given to construction of an addition, 5/9-5/10/49
approved plans
for the construction of two wings to the Home Economics Building, at the
estimated cost of $496,597.64, 10-15-49
architects plans for the addition and directed construction bids be
advertised, 12-10-49
- Deferment of action on the proposed Home Management
House and Nursery School facilites, #1424, 4-11-59
Horn Hall (Residence Hall)
- Built in 1948 and referred to initially as "Girls Dorm
III," the residence hall cost an estimated $1,787,115 to build.
- Women's Dormitory No. 3 was renamed Paul Whitfield Horn Hall (BOR meeting minutes).
Horse Barn
- To be erected when funds are available (BOR meeting minutes, 11-26-38)
Horticulture Facilities
- Plans to be reworked (BOR meeting minutes, 5-30-60 #2237)
- Contract to Plains Steel Buildings (BOR meeting minutes, 8-20-60 #2481)
Hulen/Clement Hall- Dormitory
- Built in 1964, the dormitory cost an estimated $3,124,008 to build.
Campus Buildings & Structures- I
International Cultural Center
- Also originally referred to as the Multicultural Services Center and the
Lubbock International Cultural Center. It began as the Lubbock International Cultural Center (LICC) and was
incorporated on September 26, 1986. On September 15, 1988, it received 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service.
In the November of 1991 meeting, the Texas Tech Board of Regents agreed to offer a campus location at 4th Street and
Indiana Avenue.
Campus Buildings & Structures- J
Jones Stadium
- Haynes and Kirby, Architects and Engineers, were accepted to work on the proposed
addition. (BOR 5/26/52 item 1147A)
- Tidmore Construction Company's contract to work on the proposed additions to the
Stadium were approved. (BOR meeting minutes, 9/27/52 # item 172)
Junction Campus
- Designation as a unit of Tech and facilities in Junction to be acquired on 8-1-71
(BOR meeting minutes, 8-20-71 #165)
- Dedication and approval for development of programs (BOR meeting minutes,
10-8-71, #16
- Approval of acceptance date for facilities at Junction (BOR meeting minutes,
Campus Buildings & Structures- K
Knapp Hall (Residence Hall)
- Women's Dormitory No. 4 was renamed Bradford Knapp Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 2-9-52).
- Report on status of application for Channel 5, #373, 9-28-57
- Approval granted for operation of Channel 5, #2165, 7-8-58
- Approved Engineers for proposed television station, #614, 11-21-58
- New stock judging pavilion and television station location, #1649, 4-9-60
- Building for station, #2209, 5-30-60
- Six month extension, #2210, 5-30-60
- Legislative budget request, #2211, 5-30-60
- Construction on KTXT-TV began in the spring of 1962 and it first began airing on
October 16, 1962.
- Until July 1963, all the station's programming was on film. Afterwards, TTU received
a videotape recorder and $10,000 worth of recording tape, thus allowing for viewing of programming from other
educational television stations.
- 99 students were enrolled in the first semester of the station's television instruction
courses. (Information Services release, 1-1-22-66)
Campus Buildings & Structures- L
Law School
- See Temporary Classroom and Office Buildings [below] for information about the
earliest Law School structures.
- The first books were donated by Clifford B. Jones in 1924.
- Tech's first librarian, Elizabeth Howard West, was hired in May of 1925.
- The first library was housed in the west
wing of the Administration Building. In 1937, Governor James Allred signed
appropriations for a new, free standing building.
- W. C. Hedrick selected architect for the library, 7-14-37
- Plans and matters pertaining to the library left to the Building Committee,
- Bids for library to be opened at 10-16 meeting, 9-4-37
- Low bids for erection of library approved, 10-16-37
- Laying of cornerstone, 12-15-37
- The cornerstone for the new Library building was set in the
ground on March 8, 1938. It was ready to receive patrons by the start of the fall 1938 school year.
- Extras found necessary in construction of library, 6-6-38
- Funds to move present library to new library building, 7-16-38
- When the Library was moved into its new building, it was officially named the
James V. Allred Library (BOR meeting minutes, 7/16/38)
- Empire Electric Company to do electrical work in library, 10-11-38
- To cut door in wall in basement, 2-10-40
- Contract to install elevator, 9-27-47 #18
- Presentation of plans for new library building, #2699, 8-22-59
- L. W. Pitts presented preliminary plans and specifications to the Board on the
new library building, #2699, 8-22-59
- Progress report on proposed new library building, #748, 12-12-59
- Study of space in proposed library, #751, 12-12-59
- Discard flat roof on proposed library, #753, 12-12-59
- North and south exposures of library to be studied, #754, 12-12-59
- Deep subsoil test at new library site, #1039, 2-13-60
- Arches approved for new library tower, #1105, 2-13-60
- Fourth and fifth floors of new library building, #1106, 2-13-60
- Bids for new library building, #1107, 2-13-60
- Study of final plans for new library, #1636, 4-9-60
- Contract for construction of library, #2249, 5-30-60
- Addition of north basement wing in new library, #2972, 8-30-60
- North basement wing in new library, #2975, 8-20-60
- Approved use of cornerstone in new library building, 10-21-60
- Extension granted for completion of new library building, #804 11-3-61
- The dedication ceremony for the new library building, where it is currently housed today,
was held on October 21, 1962.
Livestock Pavilion
- The first basketball games were held in the Livestock Pavilion in 1926. The first game
in the "new gym" was in 1927 against Wayland Baptist College. ("Old Gym Held Tech History,"
Texas Techsan, July/August 1984)
Lubbock Municipal Auditorium-Coliseum
- The committee report on the proposed City Auditorium-Coliseum included recommendations
such as two proposed sites, a deed containing a reversion of title clause, city operation and maintenance of the building,
and conformation of architectural design to the rest of the campus. (BOR meeting minutes, 11/1/52 item #370)
- The bill authorizing conveyance of a tract of land not to exceed 7 1/2 acres was approved
for the site of the new City Auditorium-Coliseum. (BOR meeting minutes, 2/12/53 item #758)
- The groundbreaking ceremonies were held on May 19, 1954.
Campus Buildings & Structures- M
Len and Harriet McClellan Infirmary
- Approved construction of additional facilities to the
College Infirmary (BOD 9/24/49)
- Possible gift from Mrs. Len McClellan to be used to erect the first unit of a Student Services
Building. (BOR 11/1/52 item 364)
- Approval for erecting an memorial building to be financed partially by the McClellan property.
(BOR 5/18/53 item 1226)
- Motion was made to approve the construction of the first unit of a Student Services Building and
the Butler-Brasher Company was chosen as the architects. (BOR 11/7/53 item 454)
- The location for the Infirmary was set to be east of the Student Union building and across
the street south of the College Bookstore. (BOR 4/12/54 item 1202)
- The preliminary plans submitted by architects Butler-Brasher Company were approved.
(BOR 8/21/54 item 1970)
- A memorial gift by Mrs. Len McClellan was offered for the naming of the building.
(BOR 11/1/52 item 364)
- Construction bids were publicly opened and read on February 11, 1955
(BOR meeting minutes, 2/12/55 item 766)
- W. G. McMillan and Son was awarded the contract for the infirmary building
(BOR meeting minutes, 2/12/55 attachment 8)
- Contract for installation of a new roof (BOR meeting minutes, 9/16/58 attachment 7)
- This building now serves as the Honors College.
Mass Communications Building
Meats Laboratory
- Architects-Engineers for Meats Laboratory Project-
Haynes and Kirby, #525, 11-13-59
- Location of Meats Laboratory, #744, 12-12-59
- Preliminary plans approved for Meats Laboratory,
#1108, 2-13-60
- Final plans for Meats Laboratory, #1638, 4-9-60
- Contract for Meats Laboratory, #2231, 5-30-60
Mechanical Engineering Laboratories Building
- The start of construction for the $305,000 building, which had 12,000 square feet,
happened on March 21, 1960. Construction was done by Hammock Co. (Public Information release, 3-21-60)
Mechanical Engineering Shops
- Approved the employment of Atcheson, Atkinson and
Cartwright, Architects and Engineers, #601, 11-21-58
- Approved the employment of Atcheson, Atkinson and
Cartwright and also Davis, Foster, Thorpe and Associates as Architects
and Engineers, #777, 2-14-59
- Revised drawings for Mechanical Engineering Shops
approved, #524, 11-13-59
- Acceptance of final plans, #742, 12-12-59
- Construction contract to Hammock Brothers, #1109,
Media and Communications Building
- The College of Media and Communications, formerly the College of Mass Communications,
was moved to the renovated Media and Communications Building, formerly known as the Business Administration Building,
in 2012. The ribbon cutting ceremony was held on August 23, 2012.
Memorial Circle
- The Circle in front of Administration Building to be known
as "Memorial Circle," (BOR meeting minutes, 2-14-48)
- Expenditure for sidewalk around Circle (BOR meeting minutes, 2-14-48)
Military Buildings
- Appropriation for repairs on Military Building (BOR meeting minutes, 12-15-37)
- College facilities tendered for further use of government
(BOR meeting minutes, 11-7-42)
- Sale of ROTC main office (BOR meeting minutes, 2-13-60 #861)
- Tentative location, south of bookstore, 1-28-36
- Exterior of museum to be similar to other buildings
on campus, 1-28-36
- Question of students working on plans for museum,
- Museum to be on southwest corner of block on which
Men's Dormitory is built, 6-8-36
- Museum Association to apply for Public Works
Administration grant to finish museum, 5-29-39
- Repairs on roof, 2-10-40
- Appropriation for completion of museum, 2-14-48
- Practice rooms needed for Music Department, 6-6-38
- Appropriation to build shack building for piano
practice rooms, 7-22-39
- Authorized funds to build practice house for Band,
- Band to have old Dairy Manufactures Building, 10-4-41
- Approved plans for the Music Building, at the
estimated cost of $300,000.00, 10-15-49
architects plans and directed construction bids be advertised, and
requested that an additional $30,000 (or a total sum of $330,000) be
allowed if needed, 12-10-49
- Warehouse (old Band Building, war surplus) to be
disposed of, #1517, 2-11-61
Campus Buildings & Structures- N
- Need for space to conduct Nursery School, 6-8-36
- Appropriation to erect temporary building for Child
Development Laboratory, 9-4-37
- Addition to Child Development Laboratory, 6-2-41
Buildings & Structures- P
- Approved recommendation that the name, Pantex Ordnance
Plant, be officially changed to PanTech Farms, 12-10-49
Ordnance Plant
- Request to U. S. Government that PanTex Ordnance Plant
be given to Tech, 12-5-45
- To confer with Board of Control regarding PanTex
property, 12-5-45
- Application to use land for wheat and grazing
experiments, 5-1-46
- contract with Federal Government regarding using
PanTex for experimental purposes, 10-19-46
- Accepted formal contract to transfer PanTex Ordnance
Plant to Texas Tech, 4-11-49
- Release dated September 29, 1960 between the United
States of America and Texas Technological College for PanTex Ordnance
Works. Attachment 10, 10-21-60
- Approved resolutions in connection with the transfer
of the Pantex Ordnance Plant from the General Services Administration to
Texas Tech, 12-10-49
- Approved recommendation that the name, Pantex
Ordnance Plant, be officially changed to PanTech Farms, 12-10-49
Engineering Building
- Appropriation to complete building, 7-10-48
- Approved laboratory buildings, 10-15-49
architects plans for the addition and directed construction bids be
advertised, 12-10-49
- Maintenance shop to be erected, 4-6-40
- Expenditure for a garage and lumber storage building,
- Erection of a warehouse on campus, handling garbage
at dorms, 5-1-43
- Final plans for Physical Plant facilities, #1640,
- Contract for construction of Physical Plant and
Printing Press facilities, #2235, 5-30-60
- Construction of a Plant Industry Shop, 2-14-47
- Plans to be prepared, 4-14-25
- Plans and specifications to be prepared, 5-8-25
- Plans approved for Poultry Plant, 6-26-25
- All bids rejected, 7-20-25 and 8-15-25
- Deferred action on Poultry facilities, #2239, 5-30-60
- Specifications for Poultry facilities approved,
#2981, 8-20-60
- Final plans and specifications approved #938,
- Rejected all bids for Poultry Facilities, #1520,
- Sketches approved, plans and specifications to be
prepared, 8-27-24
- Plans and specifications to be ready for next
meeting, 10-2-24
- Plans for power plant adopted, 10-28-24
- Request from Board to bidders regarding power house
and heating, 11-11-24
- Contracts to be let for lines to Administration
Building and Home Economics Building, 1-6-25
- Sewer lines to be connected to line of City of
Lubbock, 1-6-25
- Requested appropriation of $171,000 from legislature,
- Low bids tabulated for tunnels, etc., specifications
to be revised, 4-14-25
- Low bidders reported for tunnels, etc., contracts to
be let, 5-8-25
- Oil to be used in heating plant, 7-20-25
- Laying of pipe, 8-15-25
- Design for heating plant, 10-27-25
- Inspection of heating plant, 10-27-25
- Bids to be opened on construction of the power house,
- Move and erect power plant recently purchased,
Plant Facilities
- Final plans for Printing Press facilities, #1641,
- Contract for construction of Physical Plant and
Printing Press facilities, #2235, 5-30-60
- Board approved spending $245 to alter Building X-% to
house the Department of Psychology, #3067,
- Plans and specifications approved, 6-27-24
- Bids tabulated, 6-27-24
- construction contract to J. W. Maxey, 6-27-24
- Heating contract to Texas Heating & Ventilating
Company, 6-27-24
- Plumbing contract, L. Holt, 6-27-24
- Wiring, Rigsbey Electric Company, 6-27-24
- Remodeling and changes to be made in President's
Home, 8-14-48
Campus Buildings & Structures- Q
- Sheet metal buildings to be placed on campus, 3-30-46
Campus Buildings & Structures- R
- Board directed the College to select a new tract of
land for the Tech Rodeo Association, #732, 2-14-59
Buildings & Structures- S
Obtaining a
scoreboard for Athletic Field to be investigated, 5-8-48
for electric scoreboard, 6-7-48 #4
Offer by the
Avalanche-Journal to supply a scoreboard, 6-7-48 p.8
- Gift of 1943 graduating class funds to be used toward
purchase of a scoreboard, 8-14-48
- Recommendations for a Science Building, 4-18-27
- Appropriation made for building, 10-28-27
- Plans to be made, 10-28-27
- Recommends the construction of a Science Building be
pushed as rapidly as possible, and that it be sited at "the west end of
the mall facing the entrance; to the west of and between the Chemistry
Building and the Library Building," 10-15-49
- Approved architects plans and directed construction bids be advertised,
- Change the name from "Science Building" to "Science," #371,
- Cost of $380 to change the inscription in the frieze
over the entrance from "Science Building" to "Science," #763, 2-12-53
- Science addition, #2982, 8-20-60
- Approved final plans and specifications for addition,
- Contract awrded to Carl E. Maxey Construction
Company, #1523, Attachment 30, 31, 2-11-61
Seal and
- Adopted general plan of the shield. Asked for revised
copy, 10-28-24
- Official seal and shield not adopted as yet, 10-30-26
Approved the
name, Texas Technological Seismological Observatory, and appointed Dr.
Leroy T. Patton as the director, 12-10-49 #358
Site for
Texas Technological College
- Board to look over site at Lubbock for Texas Tech,
- Survey of land for Texas Tech site, 8-28-23
- Question of who to look after land deferred, 9-6-23
- Lease of tillable land, 10-31-23
- Land surveyed by S. M. Swenson and Sons, 10-31-23
- Resolution to be tendered to Attorney General W. W.
Caves, 10-31-23
- Sale of house on site, 3-28-24
- Men's Dormitory No.2 was renamed Joe T. Sneed Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 11-15-41)
- Approved the housing of the Southwest Collection in the
present Library building, #612, 11-21-58
[later to be called "Jones Stadium"]
- Application to the Public Works Administration for
$80,000 for stadium, 4-12-35
- Resolution changed from $80,000 to $150,000, 6-4-35
- W. C. Hedrick to be architect for stadium, 6-4-35
- Resolution passed regarding loan and grant for
construction of stadium, 12-4-35
- Contract between Tech and W. C. Hedrick, 12-4-35
- President and business manager to open bids on
stadium project, 12-4-35
- Tabulation of bids on stadium, 1-28-36
- Amendment to original stadium applications, 1-28-36
- Stadium to be immediately west of present stadium,
- Trip to Washington regarding stadium if necessary,
- To amend application and make it for $75,000, 4-1-36
- S. A. Wells to confer with people interested in
stadium, 4-1-36
- S. A. Wells outlined plans for procedure to stadium
situation, 6-8-36
- Athletic Council to enter into agreement to construct
a wooden stadium, 6-8-36
- Stadium completed, 9-26-36
- Regarding federal application for money to build
stadium, 9-26-36
- Paying balance due on stadium loan, 1-26-38
- Use of stadium for ten round fight rejected, 7-22-39
- Installation of lights at football field and stadium,
- Offer of Clifford B. Jones to purchase bonds for new
stadium, 10-4-41
- Board accepted offer of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B.
Jones, 12-5-45
- Board to underwrite $50,000 worth of bonds, 12-5-45
- Ex-Students Association asked to help in raising
funds, 12-5-45
- Architect to be selected, plans arranged and contract
to be let, 3-30-46
- Board approved sale of $100,000 worth of bonds to
Clifford B. Jones, 3-30-46
- Board voted appropriation of $50m000 toward erection
of stadium, 3-30-46
- Location of stadium, 6-3-46
- Building Committee to help regarding stadium
construction, 10-19-46
- Plans approved, to advertise for bids for
construction, 1-16-47
- Authorized issuance of $125,000 bonds for stadium,
- Boys Club Rodeo to be held in stadium, 4-12-47
- Passed bond resolution authorizing issuance of
$125,000 of bonds, 6-2-47
- Tech Foundation to approve contracts covering balance
of sta. const., 6-2-47
- Use of Jones Stadium by Lubbock Independent School
District, 2-14-47
- Use of Jones Stadium by A.B.C. for rodeo, 2-14-47
- Policy covering use of Jones Stadium, 2-14-47
- Use of stadium by Lubbock and Plainview Jr. Chambers
of Commerce, 5-8-48
- Preliminary report on proposed enlargement of
stadium, #266, 10-6-56
- Name of stadium not to be changed, #267, 10-6-56
- Report on plans for enlargement, #1394, 4-13-57
- Contract with W. C. Hedrick, #1728, 6-3-57
- Report on stadium expansion program, #716, 12-14--57
- Approved and revised plans and specifications for the
Stadium Expansion Program, #1321, 3-24-59
- Board gave tentative approval of the revised
preliminary plans for the Athletic Building, #186, 9-16-58
- Relocate fences at the Stadium to lower the rails on
three stairways and two side stands. "The rails, as installed, are
exactly at eye level and must be lowered." #383, 10-21-60
- Purchase 150 chairs for press box, #385, 10-21-60
Judging Pavilion [also called the "Livestock Judging Pavilion"]
- Sketches were submitted, bids to be called for,
- Bids received, contracts to be signed, 8-27-24
- Payment for Pavilion to be paid for from Special Fund,
- Extra approved for weather stripping, 4-14-25
- Pavilion accepted, 4-14-25
- New stock judging pavilion and television station,
#1649, 4-9-60
Union Building (SUB, also called the University Center or "UC" and
"Recreation Hall")
- Interest in securing funds for a Student Union
Building, 6-6-44
- Surplus buildings to be made usable for campus
student center, 7-26-47
- Resolution to Lubbock citizens for money to buy
equipment for Recreation Hall, 9-27-47
Proceed with
construction plans for a Student Union Building not to exceed $500,000,
Approved the
planning for the new building and recommended immediately securing
construction funds, 10-15-49
Bonds and
funds for new building, 12-10-49
- Suspension of plans to expand the SUB, #1022, 4-18-56
- Student Union Addition, #401, 10-10-59
- Student Union Addition plans and loan application,
#745, 12-12-59
- Plans and specifications for Student Union Addition,
#2243, 5-30-60
- Contract with V & N Construction Co. for Student
Union addition, #2983, 8-20-60
- Accepted final plans and specifications for addition,
#1525, 2-11-61
- Naming of the facility as the Student Recreation Building
#M91, 2-8-80
Pool, Gymnasium and Auditorium
- To submit application for $300,000 to authorities in
- W. C. Hedrick to be architect, 6-4-35
- Application for $300,000 loan and grant to aid
financing construction, 6-4-35
Buildings & Structures- T
J. T. and Margaret Talkington Hall (originally referred to as the
Boston Avenue Residence Hall)
- The 178,000 square-foot, LEED certified facility,
located at 18th and Boston, officially opened on August 16, 2012,
approximately 15 months after its groundbreaking.
- The Commons by United Supermarkets had its ribbon cutting ceremony on August 29, 2012.
Tech Press
- All documents approved relative to Press building, 8-10-40
- Press Building project and tentative location
approved, 8-10-40
- Location left to Ad. Officers of College,
- Architect to change specifications for Press
Building, 12-6-40
- Project of addition to Press Building approved,
- Gift of a concrete tennis court fromt eh 1937
graduating class, 6-1-37
- Request to borrow money to build three additional
tennis courts, 1-28-38
- Six tennis and handball courts to be constructed. Fee
of $1, 6-1-42
- Approved expenditure for erection of playing courts,
- Authorized M. L. Pennington to proceed with the
construction of two tennis courts, #1958, 6-1-59
- Approve incorporating in the Minutes for record
purposes a copy of the contract with the James W. Walker Company, #2559,
Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station
- Upon motion by Mr. Wall, the Board referred the
proposal submitted by Dr. G. W.Thomas, entitled "A Proposal for
Re-location of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Substation No.
8, on Texas Technological College Land," #1031, 2-14-59
Engineering Building
- Sketches approved, 6-27-24
- Proceed with specifications, secure bids, 8-27-24
- Contracts let to lowest bidders, date of completion
set, 10-28-24
- Lueders stone to be used,
- New contract for plumbing let, 11-11-24
- Request for $140,000 from Legislature, 1-6-25
- Securing of textile equipment, 4-14-25
- Letter regarding donations of $40,000 worth of
equipment, 5-8-25
- Donations listed so that contracts can be let for
$100,000, 5-8-25
- Large room reserved for Freshman and Sophomore
students, 6-26-25
- Progress being made on building, 6-26-25
- Building to be accepted when completed, 7-20-25
- Textile equipment, 7-20-25
- Contracts for equipment, 7-20-25
- Payment for building, 8-15-25
- Installation of power, contract let, 8-15-25
- Payment of full contract price, 10-27-25
- Closing of cloister of building, 8-8-27
- Construction of a skylight in building, 4-6-40
- Review of plans for addition to Textile Engineering,
#1576, 4-29-58
- Approved the contract for the new addition to Textile Engineering,
#2146, 7-8-58
- Approved negotiating with W. B. Abbott and company,
#781, 2-14-59
- Approved the recommendations of the Building
Committee, #1423, 4-11-59
- Textile Engineering Building - new building, #214,
- Naming of seminar room in the Textile Engineering
Building, #530, 11-13-59
- Track for outdoor track meets to be made, 2-4-26
- Possibility of a secondary stadium in the area of the
Texas Tech Track for use by the public schools, #1018, 2-14-59
- Renegotiate erection of bleachers by West Texas Steel
Erectors, #1528, 2-11-61
Buildings & Structures- V
Science Building
- Post-mortem room working drawings approved, #1529,
- Final acceptance date of 9-12-61 for the Post-Mortem
Room contractor H. C. Lewis, Lubbock, TX, 11-3-61
Campus Buildings & Structures- W
Wall Hall
- C. I. "Stoney" Wall, a Board of Regent member, acknowledged his
gratitude for Wall Hall being officially named after him in 1964. (BOR meeting minutes 12-12-64)
Weeks Hall
- Designation of Margaret Watson Weeks Dormitory, #733,
- Excerpt of letter from Miss Margaret W. Weeks, #897,
West Hall
- Men's Dormitory No.1 was renamed to J. M. West Hall (BOR meeting minutes, 11-15-41).
- Approved housing of college athletes in Men's Dormitory No. 1, 5/9-5/10/49
- Approved set up for the housing of athletes in Men's
Dormitory no. 1, effective September 1, 1949, 5/30/49
Rogers Statue
- Gift of Bronze statue of Will Rogers from Amon G.
Carter, 6-7-48 p. 7
Buildings & Structures- X
- Approved the recommendation of the Building Committee
of the Board concerning the war surplus buildings, #3680, 8-22-59
- Renovation of two x-buildings, #1110, 2-13-60
- Sale of X-building - Engineering, #1117. 2-13-60
- Approval of taking bids to sell buildings X-1, X-2
and X-5, #612, 10-21-60
- Building X-5 held a kiln which was moved to the
basement of the new Architecture-Computer Building, 12-10-60
- Building X-1 sold to Lorenzo Independent Public
School District for $1,500.00, 12-10-60
- Building X-5 sold to Lorenzo Jaycees for $1,000.00,
- Building X-2 sold to Mr. A. E. Oliphint for $700.00,
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